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Surnames  V

Soldier's Name                   Commander's Name      Group/Page

Va??oy (Vannoy), Joseph          Bradley, John M.         rev3
Vabler, W.D.                     Everett, Jack R.         cam1
Vachery, John                    (no Captain)             rev2
Vactor, Davis Van                Earl, H.C.D.             rev4
Valasco, Edward                  Hughes, James Z.         rev4
Valdez, Francisco                (no Captain)             rev2
Valentine (Ballantine), R.W.     Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Vallacenon, Juan                 Flores, Manuel           rev6
Vallanceon (Vallacenon), Juan    Flores, Manuel           rev6
Valuntine, _____                 Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Van Ben Thompson, A.B. (1 Lt)    Bennett, Joseph          mil1
Van Horn, W.H.                   Miles, A.T.              mil6
Van Horn, W.H.                   Miles, A.T.              mil6
Van Horn, William H.             Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Van Horn, Wm. H.                 Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Van Horn, Wm. H.                 Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Van Ness, George                 Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Van Norman, A.                   Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Van Norman, P.B.                 Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Van Norman, Wm. (Capt)           Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Van Pradelles, A.G.              Hoyt, Timy               mil5
Van Pradelles, A.G.              Hoyt, Timy               mil5
Van Pradelles, A.G. (Lt Col)     Van Pradelles, A.G.      mil8
Van Sickle, Stephen              Swingle, A.              cam1
Van Tassell, H.                  Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Van Tassell, Henry               Hughes, James Z.         rev4
Van Vechten, D.H.                Eastland, William M.     cam2
Van Vetchten,                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Van Winkle, John                 Teal, Henry/             rev6
Van Winkle, John                 Teal, Henry/             rev5
Van Winkle, _____                Briscoe, Andrew          rev2
Van dyke, Wm.                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
VanBlak, G.                      Enloe, B.                mil3
Vanbebber, S.                    Duval, B.H.              rev1
Vanbibber, J.                    Duval, B.H.              rev1
Vanbibber, John                  Duval, B.H.              rev1
Vanbibber, S.                    Duval, B.H.              rev1
Vance, William                   Bird, John               rev3
Vance, Wm. S.                    Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Vandahoff, Saml.                 Durocher, Chas. L./      rev6
Vandahoff, Saml.                 Durocher, Charles L./    rev6
Vandenhoof, Samuel               McFarland, Dugald        rev6
Vandergriff, Earl                Everett, Jack R.         cam1
Vanderhoof (Vandahoff), Saml.    Durocher, Charles L./    rev6
Vanderpool, James                Allen, James C.          rev7
Vanderpool, Jas.                 Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Vanderveer, Logan                Billingsley, Jesse       rev2
Vandervere (Vandevere), Logan    Billingsley, Jesse       rev2
Vandever, Logan                  (no captain)             rev3
Vandever, Logan                  Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Vandevere, Logan                 Billingsley, Jesse       rev2
Vandigciff, A.B.                 Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Vandirre, John                   Manning, Levi            cam2
Vandiva, James                   Shaw, Orson              rev4
Vandyke, W.                      Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vandyke, W.                      Mitchell, Isaac N.       cam2
Vandyke, W.                      Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Vandyke, William N.              Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Vanhorn, W.H.                    Ogden, D.[Duncan] C.     cam2
Vanhorn, Wm. H.                  Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vanhorn, Wm. H.                  Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Vann, Alason                     Hooper, Richard          rev3
Vannerdsten, A.                  Hiroms (Hirams), S.C.    rev2
Vanness, John                    Chesshire, James         rev2
Vanness, John                    (no Captain)             rev2
Vannoy, Joseph                   Bradley, John M.         rev3
Vannoy, Joseph (1 Lt)            Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Vannoy, Joseph [2nd]             Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Vanordstand, Abraham             Hardin, Franklin         rev3
Vanordstrand, A.                 Green, Reason            mil4
Vansickle, B.A.                  Costley, Michael         rev6
Vansickle, Elias                 Costley, Michael         rev6
Vansickle, Hiram                 Costley, Michael         rev6
Vanslyke, Andrew M.              Horton, Albert C.        cam1
Vantassel, Harry                 Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Vantassel, Henry                 Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Vantassell, H.                   Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Vanvacton, D.H.                  Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vanvacton, D.H.                  Eastland, William M.     cam2
Vanwinkle, John                  Snively, Jacob/          rev6
Vanzacanus, Lewis                Shaw, Orson              rev4
Varcenas, Andrias                Seguin, Irvin (Juan) N.  rev3
Vardeman, Henry W.               Arnold, Hayden           rev5
Varner, Martin                   Patton, William H.       rev3
Vass, James                      Stevenson, Alexander     cam1
Vaughan(Vaughen), John T.(1 Cpl) Allen, Thos. W.G.        rev5
Vaughan, Alberto                 Read, Benjn. S.          rev5
Vaughan, Alberto                 Reed (Read), Benjn. S.   rev5
Vaughan, Eldridge                (no Captain)             rev2
Vaughan, Eldridge H. (4 Sgt)     Mabbitt, L.H.            mil5
Vaughan, J.L.                    Bradley, John M.         rev2
Vaughan, James                   Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Vaughan, John                    Bradley, John M.         rev2
Vaughan, Joseph E. (Maj)         Buster, Claudius         cam2
Vaughan, Willis                  Wheelock, E.L.R.         rev6
Vaughan, Wm. E.                  Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Vaughan,John                     (no Captain)             rev2
Vaughen, John T. (1 Cpl)         Allen, Thos. W.G.        rev5
Vaughn,                          Buster, Claudius         cam2
Vaughn,   (Maj)                  Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vaughn, A. (2 Lt)                Wilson, Zacheus          cam2
Vaughn, J.L.                     Fisher, William S.       cam2
Vaughn, James                    Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Vaughn, John                     Manning, Levi            cam2
Vaughn, Richd.                   Chance, J.B.             rev3
Vaughn, Richd.                   Chance, J.B.             rev3
Vaughn, Willis                   Wheelock, E.L.R.         rev6
Vaughn, Wm. E.                   Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Vaugn,                           Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Veach, Grant (1 Sgt)             Pyron, David T.          rev7
Veach, John                      Dawson, Nicholas Mosby   cam2
Veazie, P.A.                     Lewis, M.B.              rev2
Veith, T.S.                      [Green, Thomas]/         cam1
Velasco, Ed.                     Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Velasco, Edwd.                   Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Velasco, Edwd. (2 Cpl)           Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Velasco, Edwd. (2 Cpl)           Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Venater, J.                      Roman, R.                rev2
Veneman,                         Williams, Augustus       cam1
Venran, James                    Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Vermillion, Jas                  Baker, Moseley (Mosely)  rev2
Vermillion, Joseph               Baker, Mosely            rev2
Vermillion, Joseph D             Hart, John/              rev2
Vess, William                    Mitchell, Isaac N.       cam2
Vetrane, John                    Bird, John               rev3
Vetvern (Vetrane), John          Bird, John               rev3
Vicery, C.W.                     Burnett, William D./     rev6
Vicery, C.W.                     Cook (Cooke), L.P.       rev4
Vickers, Wm H. (1 Sgt)           Stiles, George           rev4
Vickery, C.W.                    Howth, W.E.              rev5
Vickery, C.W.                    Burnett, William D.      rev7
Vickory, Aron                    Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Vickory, Elisha                  Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Vigal, G.M. (4 Cpl)              Bullock, U.J.            rev1
Vigal, G.M. (4 Cpl)              Bullock, U.J.            rev1
Viles, Whitfield                 Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Villareal, Estevin               (no Captain)             rev2
Vinater, James                   Roman, R.                rev2
Vincent, Adam                    Bowen, William           cam2
Vincent, E.A.                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vincent, E.A.                    Eastland, William M.     cam2
Vincent, E.A.                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Vincent, E.H.                    Eastland, William M.     cam2
Vincent, Smith                   Sprowl, James C.         rev6
Vincent, William                 Smith, John              rev6
Vincent, William                 Smith, John              rev6
Vincent, _____                   Wells,                   mil8
Vinen, John                      Wood, Wm.                rev2
Vining, William W.               Becknell, William        rev4
Vinney, Wm. W.                   Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Vinphy, Victor                   Chesshire, James         rev7
Vinsant, Alford                  Holshousen, C.           mil5
Violet (Violett), John T.        Colerick, Charles        rev7
Violett, John T.                 Colerick, Charles        rev7
Viser, Henry                     Sloan, Robert            mil7
Visor, M.D.                      Barrett, William M.      cam2
Visor, W.J.                      Barrett, William M.      cam2
Vitch, T.S.                      Ownsby, James P.         mil6
Viven, John                      Wood (Woods), Wm.        rev2
Viven, John                      Wood, Wm.                rev2
Viven, John                      (no captain)             rev5
Viven, John                      Pyron, David T.          rev7
Viven, John                      Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Viven, Peter                     Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Vivion, B.S.                     Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Vivon (Viven), John              Pyron, David T.          rev7
Vogel, A.                        Smith, L. (Maj.)         rev3
Vogh, Fred (2 Sgt)               Gill, John P.            cam1
Vogle, Fredric                   Dawson, Nicholas M.      cam1
Volentine, _____                 Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Volikmar, J.Q.                   Duval, B.H.              rev1
Volikmar, J.Q.                   Duval, B.H.              rev1
Voliny, John                     Arnett, C.C.             mil1
Von Roeder, Albreight            York (Yorke), John       rev2
Von Roeder, Albreipt (Albreight) York (Yorke), John       rev2
Von Roeder, Louis                York (Yorke), John       rev2
Vose, George                     Morris, Robert C.*/      rev2
Voss, Geo.                       Petus, Samuel O.         rev1
Voss, Geo.                       Pettus, Samuel O.        rev1
Voss, George                     Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Votan, Brien                     Manning, Levi            cam2
Votan, Elija                     Manning, Levi            cam2
Votaw, Elijah                    Galaspy,                 rev3
Voyce, Andreas                   Baker, Mosely            rev2

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Index to Military Rolls of the Republic of Texas 1835-1845
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