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Mexican Threats and Texan Military

pointment of men like Wilson and Postlethwaite, who had returned to the United States after the threat of an invasion in the summer had died down, because they had not been permitted to pillage, plunder, and rob,[78]  did not help the recruiting efforts of the Texan agents in that country. Wilson and Postlethwaite published statements in the Kentucky press declaring that "Texas was unworthy of public aid or sympathy," and accused the mass of people in Texas, "from the highest functionary of their pretended government, to the humblest citizen (with but few exceptions) . . . [of being] animated alone by a desire of plunder," and of appearing "totally indifferent whom they plunder, friends or foes."[79] 

While the government of Texas prepared to fend off the new threat from Mexico, Congress took a look at the military defenses of the country. It provided for a reorganization of the army of Texas, then consisting of some 2,000 or 2,500 men, predominantly adventurers and soldiers of fortune restlessly clamoring to attack Matamoros.[80]  Aside from volunteers, mounted riflemen, and militiamen, the permanent military establishment was to consist of one regiment of cavalry, one regiment of artillery, and four regiments of infantry, with a certain number of engineers and ordnance officers. The entire force was to be commanded by a major general appointed by the President. Also, there were to be two brigadier generals, one adjutant general, one inspector general, one quartermaster general, one commissary general of subsistence, one paymaster general, one surgeon general, and other lesser officers."[81] 

President Houston submitted to the Senate on December 20, 1836, the names of Thomas Jefferson Green for senior brigadier general and Felix Huston for junior brigadier general of the army. The Senate at first refused to confirm either, but upon reconsideration the next day

78. Ibid., Dec. 22, 1836.

79. Edward J. Wilson and G. L. Postlethwaite to the Public, from the Lexington (Kentucky) Intelligencer, reproduced in the Telegraph and Texas Register, Nov. 12, 1836.

80. Gammel (ed.), Laws of Texas, I, 1112, 1223-1226; Sam Houston, Rules and Regulations Promulgated by the President, for the Direction of the Army and Navy of Texas; see also Writings of Sam Houston, IV, 39-44.

81. An Act to Organize and Fix the Military Establishment of the Republic of Texas, Approved December 20, 1836, by Sam Houston, in Telegraph and Texas Register, Jan. 3, 1837.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963