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The Córdova-Flores Incident

Since further pursuit was impossible during the night, Burleson led his men up the Guadalupe valley six miles to Seguin to protect the residents there. Córdova lost thirty men killed, or nearly one half of his entire force. The bodies were found the next morning on the field of battle or in the vicinity.[48]  The Texans also took several prisoners, then and later. In all, nineteen were captured. Some documents belonging to Córdova fell into the hands of the Texans and were sent by Burleson to the Secretary of War. The Texans lost none by death, but had several wounded.[49]  Among the captives was a big French Negro, named Raphael, weighing about two hundred pounds, who had been left wounded on the battlefield. Colonel Burleson placed him under the custody of Thomas McKennon for safekeeping. When the Colonel returned from the chase, he found that McKennon had crossed the Negro's hands and tied them behind his back and then had tied his horse's stake rope to the captive's hands. As Burleson came up. McKennon cried out: "Colonel, I've got him fast."[50]

The Negro claimed that he had always been free and had constantly maintained a hostile attitude towards Texans, and had no intention even now of acknowledging any allegiance to the Texan government. Consequently, he was summarily court-martialed and sentenced to be shot the next day at the town of Seguin. The next morning six men were detailed to execute the sentence. They were to shoot by three's.

48. A. Sidney Johnston to William H. Daingerfield, Houston, April 12, 1839 (Private), Army Papers (Texas), ms.; Edward Burleson to M. B. Lamar, Bastrop, April 4, 1839, in Lamar Papers, II, 49-50; Col. Bonnell's Report, Telegraph and Texas Register, April 24, 1839; DeShields, Border Wars of Texas, pp. 292-297; Alexander W. Terrell, "The City of Austin from 1839 to 1865," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XIV (1910-1911), pp. 113-128; Harold Schoen (comp.), Monuments Erected by the State of Texas to Commemorate the Centenary of Texas Independence, p. 143; Brown, Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas, pp. 62-66. Schoen, doubtless following Brown, says that Córdova lost twenty-five men killed and that the Texans had many wounded, but none fatally. I have used the figures given by A. S. Johnston, the Texan Secretary of War, whose statements are based on Burleson's official report. On the other hand, Wilbarger, Indian Depredations in Texas, p. 156, basing his report of this affair on accounts given years later by several participants in the engagement, says "as near as could be ascertained by actual count" eighteen were killed. The Telegraph and Texas Register, April 10, 1839, reported eighteen killed.

49. Sowell, Early Settlers and Indian Fighters of Southwest Texas, p. 417, says three Texans were wounded.

50. Quoted in Wilbarger, Indian Depredations in Texas, p. 156.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963