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Federalist Wars: First Phase

Victoria, Texas). These men sought to re-establish republicanism under the Mexican constitution of 1824.

The fall of Tampico greatly alarmed the Mexican authorities who, at this time, were desperately trying to ward off a full-scale French invasion and at the same time were having to contend with the growing conflagration at home.[19]  Having gained access to an important gulf port, the insurrectionists could now cooperate with the French and receive military supplies more readily from abroad, and gain some financial support from the customs. The government acted quickly. It ordered General Martín Perfecto de Cós, military commandant at San Antonio de Béxar in 1835, to take command of the military forces in the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila y Téjas;[20]  and in an effort to repossess Tampico dispatched General Canalizo from Matamoros, with a force which had been raised to repel the French invasion. The government troops, it was reported, were "promised the privilege of plundering the inhabitants [of the town], to encourage them, and the houses of the foreigners were pointed out to them as fittest to be pilfered."[21]  Canalizo's troops, although assisted by those of General José de las Piedras and the inept General Cós and numbering upwards of two thousand men,[22]  were defeated after a hard-fought

robbed of a portion of her cargo, and nine persons were taken off as prisoners. A prize crew was left on board the Hannah Elizabeth. Before the Mexican prize could be gotten off, Captain Hurd and S. Rhoads Fisher with a party of Texans boarded her and claimed the vessel and cargo as a prize of war. Carbajal and Fernando de León were never reimbursed for the losses. After the Texas revolution Carbajal moved with his family to Tamaulipas. There his son, José María Carbajal, Jr., married General Antonio Canales' daughter. In 1851, and again in 1862, in cooperation with a number of Anglo-Texans, Carbajal headed an unsuccessful revolt in the State of Tamaulipas. Vicente Filisola, Memorias para la historia de la guerra de Téjas, I, 167; V. M. Rose, Some Historical Facts in Regard to the Settlement of Victoria, Texas: Its Progress and Present Status, pp. iii, 154; Eugene C. Barker (ed.), Texas History for High Schools and Colleges, p. 259; Frank C. Pierce, A Brief History of the Lower Río Grande Valley, pp. 32-33; Harbert Davenport, "General José María Jesús Carbajal," in Southwestern Historical Quarterly, LV (1951-1952), 475-483.

19. Matagorda Bulletin, Dec. 6, 1838.

20. Telegraph and Texas Register, Nov. 28, 1838.

21. New Orleans Sun quoted in ibid., Dec. 29, 1838; see also, ibid., Jan. 18 and 19, 1839; Telégrafo de Tampico, Dec. 5, 1838, gives an account of the battle of November 30.

22. D. W. Smith to John Forsyth, Matamoros, Dec. 10, 1838, no. 147, in Consular Dispatches (U. S.), 1837-1839 (Matamoros), ms., microfilm.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963