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Federalist Wars: First Phase

conspirators moved the larger portion of the Federal volunteer army out of the city, leaving Lemus behind with a small garrison of regulars; but he, too, soon took his troops out and headed for Texas only to run into further difficulties.

At Villa de Aldama, Colonel Antonio Zapata, in command of the first section of the Federal army, called a meeting of the officers and men. The group drafted and signed a protest expressing a lack of confidence in Lemus' designs and leadership, ending with a declaration of support of Anaya by all the forces from the villas of the frontier.[107]  Anaya was now given a commission by Canales on August 8, similar to the one he had received a month earlier from Manuel María de Llano, self-styled provisional president of Nuevo León,[108]  naming him an emissary to Texas and the United States to solicit aid from government, associations, empresarios, companies, and individuals in transporting arms through Texas to the Federalists and in the recruiting of troops.[109]  A week later Jesús Cárdenas, referring to himself as a representative of the people of the state of Tamaulipas, likewise commissioned Anaya.[110]  Canales and Zapata both seemed anxious to be rid of Anaya whom they had just helped to elevate to the position of commander in chief. They were apparently glad for him to go abroad as the Federalist agent; and Anaya, no doubt, realizing that outside help was a sine qua non in achieving their ultimate objective and that whoever succeeded in bringing this help might win everlasting fame, if successful, seemed willing enough to make the attempt.

Before leaving for Texas, Anaya conferred with the top Federalist leaders, at which time it was agreed that the Texas government should be told that in return for furnishing 1,500 volunteers to the Federal cause, the Federalists would recognize the independence of Texas with its southern boundary at the San Antonio River. It was reported in the Centralist controlled newspaper, El Gaceta del Gobierno de Zacatecas,[111]  that the Texan volunteers were each to be offered 500

107. Document signed by the officers and men of the First Section of the Federal Army, Villa de Aldama, August 4, 1839, in Anaya Papers, ms. Among those signing the protest were Canales, Zapata, José González, Basilio Benavides, and others.

108. Manuel María de Llano to Juan Pablo Anaya, Cerralvo, July 10, 1839, in Anaya Papers, ms.

109. Antonio Canales to Juan Pablo Anaya, Aug. 8, 1839, in ibid.

110. Jesús Cárdenas to Juan Pablo Anaya, Guerrero, Aug. 15, 1839, in ibid.

111. Dec. 1, 1839; David Martell Vigness, "The Republic of the Río Grande: An Example of Separatism in Northern Mexico," Ph.D. dissertation, p. 140.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963