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Federalist Wars: First Phase

the captives were Severo Ruiz and Mauricio Carrasco, both of whom had been commissioned by Lemus to seek aid from Texas. They were granted amnesty upon agreeing to renounce Federalism.[116]

In August, Guerrero, Nava, Morelos, San Fernando de Rosas, and Presidio del Río Grande were retaken or renounced Federalism.[117]  Late in August a minor engagement between Canalizo's forces and some of the Federalists at Palo Alto resulted in the capture of seven pieces of artillery by the Centralists.[118]

So rapid was the pacification of the revolt along the northern frontier in the late summer and early fall of 1839 that Canalizo was induced to issue an address to his troops congratulating them on their untiring attention to duty and the burning patriotism exhibited in their many heroic deeds in the suppression of the rebellion and castigation of los colonials. After an eleven months' campaign, he declared, only a few petty rebel leaders -- Canales, Anaya, and Zapata -- had not surrendered, but had fled to the other side of the Río Bravo.[119]  Canalizo's

of Lobos on October 10, 1840, Commodore E. W. Moore of the Texas navy intercepted the Mexican schooner Conchita bound from Tampico to Vera Cruz with a number of Federalist prisoners, among whom were Pedro Lemus, his brother (Colonel Lemus), the general's wife and six children. The general and colonel had been in prison fourteen months at Matamoros for espousing the Federal cause. Moore took the prisoners on board his vessel, the Austin, and landed them in the rebellious state of Yucatán, where Lemus became Minister of War and Marine. In the fall of 1842, he deserted to Centralism, and joined the forces which were soon to invade the revolting state of Yucatán under the leadership of Pedro de Ampudia, the "hero of Mier." Lemus died in the City of Mexico in April 1847, where he was serving at the time as military commandant of the city. E. W. Moore to M. B. Lamar, Austin, Dec. 20, 1847, in Lamar Papers, IV, pt. I, 189-190; E. W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, Texas Sloop of War Austin, mouth of Tabasco River, Dec. 24, 1840, in Harriet Smither (ed.), Journals of the Sixth Congress of the Republic of Texas, III, 372, 375. The date shown in the foregoing Journal is 1841, but the letter is one of the documents included in the Report of the Chief Clerk of the Naval Bureau, Austin, Oct. 1, 1840; therefore, this must be a misprint.

116. A copy of Canalizo's Proclamation of Amnesty, dated Villa de Aldama, Aug. 25, 1839, may be found in La Brisa, Sept. 20, 1839.

117. Valentín Canalizo ál Gobernador del Departamento de Nuevo León, Cuartel General en Villa Aldama, Agosto 26 de 1839, in Gaceta de Tampico, Sept. 14, 1839.

118. La Brisa, Aug. 30, 1839. No exact date for this engagement is given, but judging from the article, it seems to have been a recent one.

119. Valentín Canalizo, El general en gefe de la Division del Norte á sus subordinados, Cuartel General de Matamoros y Noviembre _______ de 1839. Broadside.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963