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Federalists Seek Support in Texas

either party might affect her commercial relations with that country. The editor of the Texas newspaper felt that both Centralists and Federalists in Mexico were entitled to the confidence of Texans. Although, the leader of the present Central party was committed to aid in obtaining the recognition of Texan independence by Mexico, and the Federalists had likewise indicated their willingness to do so, both, it must be remembered, had sanctioned and abetted the massacre at Goliad. Texas, declared the Telegraph,

. . . detests and distrusts both alike; and such is her present situation, that she fears neither. Were the whole power of Mexico united, in the hands of the Federalists or the Centralists, Texas would bid to her enemy a stern defiance. It is in consequence of a consciousness of her own strength that Texas views the civil war now raging in Mexico with as much indifference as characterizes her sister Republic of the United States. She has but little to gain or lose by the success of either party. Her proper policy, therefore, is to remain a quiet spectator of the commotions that are thus destroying the moral and physical energies of her adversary, and husband her strength for the hour of trial, if and when it should arrive.[8]

Editor W. Donaldson of the Colorado Gazette and Advertiser[9]  (Matagorda) declared,

There cannot be perhaps advocated a better maxim, for our country particularly in its new state and present situation, than during peace to avoid a recklessness or stagnation of national energy, and carefully . . . watch existing probabilities and be found in readiness to act with effect should the issue be war. . . . However, for ourselves we are of the opinion, that whichever way the struggle may terminate between . . . [the Centralists and the Federalists] the end will be the same to this country. We cannot doubt that both parties have alike the desire if possible to regain possession of this country.

We have no confidence in the pledges of either of the Mexican parties -- both fight for power -- neither for human liberties -- and we look for no especial favor to our country from either.

Though the leaders of the Federal party may be disposed to act more amicably towards us than the other, yet even should they succeed, so uncertain is the tenor by which they hold the reigns of Government, that however they may wish to act, there is little hope that they will have the power to do as they wish. . . .

8. Telegraph and Texas Register, April 10, 1839.

9. July 4, 1839.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963