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Federalists Seek Support in Texas

tions with Mexico through Treat, who had spent many years in South America and had lived in Mexico for seven years where he had made the acquaintance of Santa Anna and other Mexican leaders. This time Lamar had the assurances of Bee and the British minister to Mexico, Richard Pakenham, that Mexico would receive an agent should one be sent. Treat was then commissioned a private or confidential agent of the government and handed instructions at Austin on August 9 similar to those given Colonel Bee previously.

Meanwhile, as the Federalist resistance collapsed in the north and peace seemed to be returning to the nation, a howl was set up by some of Santa Anna's supporters for a renewal of the Texas campaign, probably with nothing more in mind than to embarrass Bustamante, the regularly elected President. However, an appeal for the subjugation of Texas -- an object which enlisted their national pride as well as their religious hatred, it was said -- was one way of readily uniting the whole Mexican nation. Too, it gave an opportunity for many of the late rebels to demonstrate their loyalty by appearing to be enthusiastic for a renewal of the Texas war. On June 18, 1839, the Minister of War, José María Tornel, in the name of the Provisional President, Santa Anna, submitted to the Chamber of Deputies a project for the reconquest of Texas. The President, said Tornel, is "resolved to propose another expedition, which shall offer to the Texians peace, or war -- indulgence, or punishment." He wishes to be authorized "to incur the necessary expenses until the pacification of the 'Department of Texas,' is fully accomplished, and to dictate all measures which may be considered necessary for the attainment of this end."[21]  It was stated in the True American of Saturday, July 6, that the Mexican troops were to approach the western settlements of Texas in small detachments, simultaneously, and to rendezvous on the Brazos until their forces numbered 8,000 or more. They would then commence a war of extermination, giving no quarter, destroying all houses, and pursuing a policy of universal pillage.[22]

The American consul at Mexico City, W. D. Jones, believed that the

21. José María Tornel to their Excellencies the Secretaries and Deputies, Mexico, June 18, 1839, in Telegraph and Texas Register, July 24, 1839; also quoted by W. D. Jones to John Forsyth, Consulate of the U. S. A., Mexico, June 22, 1839, vol. 7, no. 274, Consular Letters (Mexico), 1833-1847, in Justin H. Smith, "Transcripts," IV, ms.

22. True American (New Orleans), July 6, 1839, reported in Morning Star (Houston), July 12, 1839.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963