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Federalist Wars: Second Phase

of Mexico . . . we could not borrow one dollar for you -- not for love or money.[143]

This warning was hardly necessary, for Lamar was well aware of the possible consequences of the Texans' joining the Federalist forces. As early as December 21, 1839, he had issued a proclamation in which he referred to those Texans who had crossed the established boundary (the Río Grande) of Texas and had associated themselves with one of the belligerent parties in Mexico as acting without any authorization from the government of Texas. He warned and admonished "all citizens of Texas to abstain from all attempts to invade the territory of Mexico" and also from participation in "marauding incursions and other acts of hostility . . . except in defense of our territory." He considered it "incompatible with the true interest and honor of Texas" to meddle in the internal affairs of Mexico.[144]  Citizens violating the proclamation were to be considered without the protection of the government of Texas, which disclaimed all participation in their conduct and would not sanction any hostile act molesting the inhabitants of Mexico. In this manner, the members of Ross' command "were published in every paper throughout the Republic as deserters," and when Doctor Edmund J. Felder[145]  petitioned Congress for compensation for his services in Ross' command, the House Committee on Military Affairs reported that, in their opinion, he was "not entitled to any consideration for his service having abandoned the service of his country and joined the Federal Mexicans, under Col. Ross."[146]  The Committee went on to say that it had "no inclination to censure his course; his errors have been the common errors of many others," but it was the opinion of the Committee "that Texas ought not to pay for services rendered to the Federal Mexicans."

143. Gen. James Hamilton, Commissioner of Republic in Europe, to Abner S. Lipscomb, Secretary of State, [dated:] Hague, July 28, 1840, in Texas Congress, Journal of the House of Representatives, Fifth Congress, Appendix, pp. 289-290.

144. "Proclamation Warning and Admonishing Citizens of the Republic Taking up Arms Against the Mexican Government, City of Austin, December 21, 1839," in Documents under the Great Seal (Texas), Record Book, ms., p. 50; Colorado Gazette and Advertiser, Jan. 11, 1840; Austin City Gazette, Jan. 1, 1840; Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 288.

145. Petition of Dr. Edmund J. Felder (endorsed: "18/ Petition of Dr. Felder / Military Affairs/ Dec. 30"), Memorials and Petitions (Texas), ms.

146. Ibid.; "Report of the Committee on Military Affairs," Texas Congress, Journals of the House of Representatives, Fifth Congress, Appendix, p. 293.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963