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Formation of Republic of the Río Grande

The convention specified the boundary of the new republic as including all of Tamaulipas and Coahuila as far north as the Nueces and Medina rivers, respectively, and extending south to the Sierra Madre, including also Nuevo León, Zacatecas, Durango, Chihuahua, and Nuevo Mexico.[10]  On January 23, 1840, the provisional government, described as "elected by the People," issued a decree known as the "Organic Law of the Republic," declaring it did not represent any legitimate authority belonging to the present Mexican government against which it intended to war until overthrown. It called for the convening of a convention of delegates of all the states of the new Mexican Republic on May 28, or sooner, to provide a permanent government.[11]  The convention finished its work on January 28 and the President, council, and army proceeded to the city of Guerrero, where the President-elect and Vice President-elect were joyfully inaugurated the next day, January 29,[12]  amid whatever pomp and ceremony the little river town of adobe and rock houses, willow-edged acequias, and jacals of brush and wattles, could furnish. Canales had taken care to supply his troops with ample rations and mescal before crossing the river, and by the time they had reached Guerrero to unite with Zapata's troops they were in the proper mood for a grand, if simple, celebration. A federal flag was planted in the center of the plaza and the "soldiers . . . marched under it,[13]  kissing it as they passed; which was considered an oath of allegiance to the new Govt. A great Ball was given at the House of Zapata, and all were welcome who chose to attend; many, however, were unable to go for want of suitable clothes; they were literally naked. After the party each soldier rec[eive]d $2.00 in part pay[men]t for past service."[14]  So far the adventure had not netted the Texans much in the way of remuneration. Those who still remained

10. Ibid.

11. Huson, "Iron Men," p. 108.

12. "Dispatch of Jesús Cárdenas to all the Officers of Government in the Northern States of the United Mexican States, City of Guerrero, Jan. 30, 1840," translation in Colorado Gazette and Advertiser (Matagorda), March 28, 1840.

13. Canales was said to have planted on an Indian hut (jacal) at Puentecitos a flag with three stars, signifying the departments of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. El Ancla (Matamoros), Sept. 14, 1840.

14. Lamar Papers, VI, 104; A. Canales to [the troops under his command], Guerrero, Feb. 8, 1840, in ibid., III, 330-331; same document, but slightly different translation, ibid., V, 403-404; H. Yoakum, History of Texas, from Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in 1846, II, 289.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963