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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

our people from individually aiding these neighboring farmers and herdsmen in ridding themselves of the yoke imposed on them by a corrupt soldiery and an abandoned priesthood ."[68]  In Mexico, the policy of the Texas government in respect to the Federalists came to be recognized and brought relief; yet, it was not applauded, and various leaders and papers continued to rant against Texas. Declared the editor of the Matamoros Ancla,

We know beyond doubt that the improvised Government of Texas has suggested to the Federalists passing to the other side of the Río Bravo, for it could not consent to the territory of Texas, whose limits are that same Río Bravo, being the theater of discord and war. With that, one may say that nothing has been accomplished by Canales having planted on a jacal[69]  of Puentecitos his flag of three stars representing the Departments of Coahuila, N. León, and Tamaulipas.[70]

Meanwhile, the Federalist cause received considerable attention on the southern frontier. Juan N. Seguin, writing in 1858 as an imbittered ex-citizen of Texas, says Lamar gave permission to Canales to raise troops in Texas and to obtain arms from the armories of Texas.[71]  The writer has found nothing to substantiate this accusation. It is true that Texans, contrary to the publicly announced policy of their government's neutrality, joined the Federalists and some of them undoubtedly took into the Federal service whatever public arms they had in their possession at the time or could lay their hands on. Seguin, himself, claimed that in an interview with President Lamar, the latter not only authorized him to raise volunteers to cooperate with the Federalists, but ordered that he should be supplied with arms from the government's stores.[72]  In yielding to Seguin's request for permission to raise a company of men for the Federal service, Seguin asserted, Lamar declared "that any movement against the tyrannical government then existing in Mexico would be promotive of the independence of Texas." Seguin

(ed.), Diplomatic Correspondence of Texas, 1908, II, 722-723; Adams, British Interests and Activities in Texas, p. 49.

68. Colorado Gazette and Advertiser, April 18, 1840.

69. Indian hut.

70. El Ancla, Sept. 14, 1840; R. G. Dunlap to [M. B. Lamar], Washington [D. C.], Oct. 23, 1839, in Lamar Papers, III, 142-143.

71. Seguin, Memoirs, p. 19.

72. Ibid., p. 20.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963