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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

had appointed an agent to represent "the government of the northern frontier of the Mexican republic" in the Texas capital. This communication, as previously noted, was apparently carried to Austin by that agent, Colonel José María J. Carbajal, and Juan Molano, bearing a letter of introduction from Philip Dimitt.[86]

The large, well-attended dinner, prepared by Mr. James, was held at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 10,[87]  under the shade of the venerable post oaks on Diamond Hill with Colonel T. H. Poage presiding, assisted by Major James D. Owen, merchant and mayor, and Judge David Murphree. After the tables were cleared, the honorable guest, Jesús Cárdenas, a handsome, noble-looking man of about thirty-four or thirty-five years of age, clear-headed, mild, and collected, briefly addressed the gathering.

Eighteen months ago, the Eastern States of the Mexican Republic, being no longer able to endure the onerous and ignominious yoke of a government, consisting of the continued power of the Military and Clergy, such as now exists in Mexico, commenced a struggle . . . [for] the establishment of the Federal system, with the improvements which the experience and intelligence of the age require. [Last January] all the citizens of said states who were not completely overpowered by the oppression, established a provisional government . . .

He then proceeded to mention the recent disaster suffered by the Federalists at Morelos and their flight to safety in Texas,

where they have not hesitated to come to solicit aid that they may return and operate again against the tyrannical government of Mexico. . . . The sympathy which has always existed between Texas and the people of the northern frontier of the Mexican Republic, the uniformity of the interests of the inhabitants of both countries, the identity of the cause which they support, the general good feeling which this Republic has for the new Government of the frontier, is a sure presage that that government will soon return to its own territory, with the aid which it has repaired here to solicit of the friends of liberty. The enemy of the liberal party of Mexico, are the implacable enemies of Texas -- they are the same who shed the blood of

Papers, III, 364; H. Yoakum, History of Texas from Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in 1846, II, 288.

86. Phil[ip] Dimitt to M. B. La Mar, Villa de los Jacales, April 12 (?), 1840, Lamar Papers, III, 369; V, 416.

87. R. B. T. to the Editor of the Colorado Gazette, Victoria, April 8, 1840, in

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963