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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

observed that it was impossible "to o[b]tain men or to carry out the views of the executive by ra[i]sing tr[oop]s for six months but that an expedition against Córdova and [his] allies would meet the views of the public," and suggested that the government be petitioned to permit the raising of a volunteer company to afford protection to the frontier. A special committee was then authorized and appointed by Judge Hemphill to draft suitable resolutions. Assuming that the Indians and Centralists were making preparations for an attack upon the Texas frontier, the Committee drafted and the meeting adopted unanimously a series of resolutions requesting the President of Texas to grant permission to an individual to enroll volunteers "to [the] number that may be offered who shall report themselves at this place [Victoria] and organize, with the distinct understanding that they will look to the liberality of some future Congress for the remuneration to which their services may entitle them."[95]  In particular, they wanted the government to place the mounted cannon, ammunition, and arms of every description at Victoria and neighboring towns[96]  at their disposal "for the purpose of arming and equiping such as are disposed to volu[n]teer in the service of the Country and unable to arm the[m]selves." They requested permission to organize and pursue Córdova and his Indian allies and to "make such terms and conditions . . . with the Federal Mexicans as may secure their friendship not compromitting the Honor and character of the Texian Government."

After the meeting, Plummer privately informed Lamar that upon strict inquiry he found the citizens of that section of the country willing to "turn out almost to a man for a single dash to the Río Grande to break up Córdova and his Indian allies." He thought it would be almost impossible to raise sufficient men for six months service to accomplish the desired object, not to mention the terrible expenses to the government; but, he declared, there were thousands of adventurers in the

stated that the priest was free to attend the wounded and the burial of the dead. This letter is significant in that it connects James Kerr with the early Federalist movement.

95. "Proceedings of a Public Meeting Held at Victoria, April 23, 1840, Judge [John] Hemphill, Chairman," in Lamar Papers, ms. The Committee consisted of James W. Robinson, Chairman; F. S. Gray; E. L. Holmes; John J. Linn; S. A. Plummer; James Kerr; and John D. Morris.

96. At Linnville were large quantities of "Powder &c and Cannon." Samuel A. Plummer to M. B. Lamar, Victoria, April 25, 1840, in Lamar Papers, III, 381-383.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963