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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

. . . U. States and this country . . . [who] have seen and heard of their [Mexico's] beautiful fields and gold mines and they are like the Lion at the feast -- "we will take this for our share." . . . So now in relation to the Federalist you may just as well tell them to go -- for go they will and that pretty soon, peace or no peace. This feeling arises, part[ly] from sympathy, part[ly] for gain, part[ly] from the hard times and the largest part for the want of something to do. Now I wish this done, first -- drive out Córdova and his Indians and then if necessary join the Feds -- break up that infernal hole Matamoros, that must ever in her presen[t] situation, sit on our frontier like an incubus -- instigating Hostile Indians to all sorts of violence and furnishing them wit[h] arms and ammunition.[97]

Plummer found strong sympathy along the southwestern frontier for the Federalist cause, but the news concerning the civil war in Mexico he found to be quite contradictory; and, he reported, "judging from all accounts put together" the Federalists "are in a hell of a box." By joining with the Federalists now the Texans could help them out of an awkward situation. He argued for the formation of an alliance between Texas and the Mexican Federalists.

Once join the Federalists, and Texas will never stand in need of hereafter spending one dollar in fighting Mexicans. Americans will flock there by thousands and join the Federal Cause. We will get clear of a large number of useless population -- we can loose no wealth. We make a warm friend of a neighbour and you put down all Centralism in Mexico at the very first advance in the Federal Cause. . . . I again assure you we are for fight here -- and for driving out the Indians and joining in with the Federalist[s]. I know not of a single exception.

Plummer suggested that if the President should grant the petitioners their request that he make his instructions "as loose as possible, no positive order to go or not to go across the Río Grande -- but to break up Córdova and catch him." Others contended that nothing could be lost by cooperating with the Federalists, for, it was said,

. . . we . . . owe nothing to the forbearance of the Mexican government that we would forbear in turn. Had they the power equal to the will to work us harm we should soon experience a repetition of the sanguinary scenes which have damned them already in the eyes of the civilized world. . . . One bold stroke now would not only be advancing the cause of liberty

97. Samuel A. Plummer to M. B. Lamar, Victoria, April 25, 1840, in ibid.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963