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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

driven from the other side of the Guadaloupe in violation of law -- and that the purchasers knew of their being stolen at the time they were bought can be obtained from the drivers themselves. There would doubtless be abundant evidence at Victoria, but that could not be obtained without difficulty. To suggest this matter to you is sufficient I know to insure your efficient cooperation. Many of the cattle that were driven in belonged to the President and other gentlemen high in office in the new Republic of Río Grande, and were brought through New La Bahía before the facts [were fully ascertained] and at the defiance as it were of these gentlemen.[138]

While the Federalists were completing their preparations for renewing the campaign in northern Mexico, General José Urrea, a state prisoner in the old Inquisition Prison, was freed between 1 and 2 a.m., July 15, 1840, by friends led by Gómez Pedraza, who surprised the guard, and joining with others took the National Palace without the firing of a shot. At daylight President Bustamante was arrested in his quarters.[139]  The government and its friends displayed greater energy and activity than the insurgents had expected, and within a few days freed Bustamante. Santa Anna, in the meantime, having collected a large number of troops, headed for the capital to aid in suppressing the revolt; and Bustamante, fearing that Santa Anna would not only gain credit for restoring order but would use it to extend his influence, accepted a capitulation of the Federalist leaders in the capital, assuring the revolutionists the undisturbed enjoyment of their property and their positions under the government, and granting them a pardon for their past offenses. Thus, by late July the Federalist revolt at the center ended, and Canales and his cohorts on the lower Nueces were without a strong diversion so necessary if their forthcoming military maneuvers were to stand much chance of succeeding.

With Plummer's report in hand and fully aware that something needed to be done to protect the southwestern frontier, Lamar hesitated to take any action which might jeopardize his efforts to settle the issues between Mexico and Texas by negotiation. Before the end of May he left the capital for Houston and Galveston, spending nearly

138. John Hemphill to A. B. Shelby, Judge 1st Judicial District, Washington, Texas, May 30, 1840, in Telegraph and Texas Register, July 8, 1840. John Hemphill was elected judge of the Fourth Judicial District, January 20, 1840, and automatically, thereby, became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. March 19, 1840, he was in the Council House Fight with the Comanches.

139. John Black to John Forsyth, Consulate of the U. S. A., Mexico, Aug. 22, 1840, vol. 8, no. 307, Justin H. Smith, "Transcripts," IV, ms.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963