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Republic of the Río Grande and Texas

circulation during the last six or eight months "fabricated by the Federalists or their friends for the purpose of drawing an army to the West, in hopes that when there it would be an easy matter to induce the men to cross the Río Grande and commence offensive operations against the Centralists," Lamar declared, "it is therefore my desire (unless you have some positive knowledge of the fact that the Country is invaded by a formidable force) that your call on the Militia be countermanded, and that such of the militia as have assembled, at your order, be discharged."[150]  Even if the rumor should be in part true, the President felt that he had rather rely upon raising volunteers adequate to the threat, rather than calling out the militia en masse, "a measure which I never like to resort except in cases of the greatest emergency," he said.

I think however we have nothing to apprehend, from any immediate invasion, of a serious character. And if a portion of the enemy should make their appearance on this side of the Río Grande the number must necessarily be small in as much as they have no strong force collected now nor [are] likely to assemble one on the borders very soon. It is impossible for the central party to organize and march a large body of troops into the neighborhood of the Río Grande unresisted by the Federalists and without our being apprised of it in due time to make ample preparations to meet them, if they should attempt to cross the Río Grande.[151]

Lamar then proceeded to inform Archer that he had authorized Colonel Henry W. Karnes to raise a volunteer force "under certain conditions not calculated to embarrass the Government." "This force," he said, "when thrown into that section will I hope be sufficient for all the emergencies, which are likely to arise very shortly, and will supercede for the present the necessity of any further military operation in the West." It is "for the purpose of extending our jurisdiction to the Río Grande, chastizing the Indians in that section -- repelling such marauding parties as may be committing these depredations, this side of the River; and affording to the West that protection to which it is entitled but has not hitherto enjoyed."

and Annexation: Including a Brief Autobiography of the Author, pp. 158-159.

150. Mirabeau B. Lamar to Branch T. Archer, Galveston City, June 29, 1840, in Record of Executive Documents, from the 10th December 1838 to the 14th December 1841, ms.

151. Ibid.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963