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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

by the Texas rangers. "The merchants of those states," declared the Telegraph, "would therefore be enabled to resort to the markets of Béxar, Aransas, and other western towns in perfect security, and procure foreign manufactures, which have been almost prohibited in those states by the high duties" imposed on their importation.

As the population in those states is three or four times greater than that of Texas, doubtless in a few months the receipts of the custom houses of the western ports would exceed those of all the others in the republic, and be more than sufficient to defray the expenses of the troops requisite to protect the trade. Thus, we should be carrying out the maxim of Napoleon, by causing the enemy to support our army,

declared the editor of the Telegraph. Should the trade be freed from the various restrictions now impeding its development, it would increase rapidly,

. . . and prove so lucrative that the current of emigration would soon set so strongly in that direction that the western frontier would, in one or two years, present a line of defense settlements, which would prove an impregnable rampart to Mexico. There would be another advantage derived from this measure. The presence of a considerable force of Texians in that section, would encourage the Federalists to take up arms, and hundreds of our young men who are now idle and useless in the country, would readily join their standard, and possibly enable this party to regain and maintain the ascendancy in those States. As our navy has complete command of the Gulf, should it at any time be deemed expedient, Matamoras could be captured, and a port of entry be established at Brazos Santiago.[10]

At Houston on June 24, Karnes issued a call for volunteers "well mounted and armed" and for four to six companies of infantry. The volunteers were to rendezvous within thirty days at San Antonio, where they would be mustered into service for six months and from whence they would commence their march to some point on the frontier. The horses, equipment, and arms furnished by the volunteers would be appraised in par money and "stand as a charge against the government in the event of their being lost in the public service," to be paid for whenever it could be done with convenience to the government.[11]  Thus

10. Telegraph and Texas Register, July 1, 1840.

11. H. W. Karnes' Call for Volunteers, Houston, June 24, 1840, in ibid., July 1, 1840.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963