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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

Grande or "the government of the northern frontier of the Mexican republic," or in any way imply that he was engaged in a movement to dismember the nation. He does not mention the new Federalist flag. If orders had been issued to the detachment sent to Laredo in July, it is quite certain that Jordan and his fellow Texans, who comprised one-third of that force, did not know about them. And, then, one wonders why a person who was fighting the established government of Mexico and seeking to establish a new republic in the north, should suddenly become so concerned about preservation of "the national honor and the integrity of her [Mexico's] territory." Besides, Canales had been repeatedly told that Texas considered her boundary to be at the Río Grande, and that no flag but that of Texas was to be unfurled east of that river.

Karnes' letter and Canales' reply thereto were not made public until after the latter's surrender, two and a half months after Karnes' death. It seems probable that Canales' reply was never actually sent, but was prepared as a part of his plan for a return to the Centralist fold. Certainly, it is doubtful if any of the Texans cooperating with the Federalists would ever have consented to accept the boundary of the Republic of Texas at the Nueces. Canales would not have dared to make known his reply if he expected the assistance from the Texans which he was striving so hard to obtain at the time the letter was supposed to have been written. If the letter had been received by Karnes, Canales would not have expected that it would not be made public.

In the meantime, Karnes' health improved and believing it necessary for him to go to Houston to see Lamar in respect to his forthcoming military operation, he started out, contrary to his doctor's advice, for Houston in a light wagon. The first day out from San Antonio he suffered a relapse and was taken back to the city. He died on August 16. He was succeeded in command by Captain George T. Howard, who was promoted to the rank of major, and in the fall led an expedition against the Comanches by way of Uvalde Canyon.

Shortly after his return to the Nueces in July, Canales detached Colonel Jordan, who had again enlisted under the Federalist banner, with fifty Anglo-Texans, and Colonel Luis López with one hundred Mexican rancheros to be sent in advance of the main body. They were to clear the country of Centralists between Camargo and Laredo, and to get the six or eight thousand pounds of lead the Federalists had

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963