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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

her way to the river for water, discovered them and sounded the alarm. The Texans immediately leaped up and dashed for the plaza, Jordan entering it at one point and Price at another. Taken by surprise, the garrison became panic-stricken and fled from its barracks and the town, after offering only slight resistance. The fleeing Centralists effected their escape either by swimming the river or taking cover in the timber along its bank. The enemy losses included four killed, six wounded, and seventeen taken prisoners, including Ramón Botello and Mathías Sartuche, Centralist spies, who were apprehended in flight. The two spies were immediately court-martialed, sentenced to death, and executed the next day. There were no losses among the Texans. One volunteer (Mexican or Texan -- López's report does not say) was wounded.[26]  López reported that Rodríquez "escaped, naked, although I am assured," he told Canales, "that he is severely wounded." The captured property included several muskets, lances, saddles, mules, horses, and other articles.

Reported Neal,

When the fight was over, and the town taken, the Mexicans under López, who had remained without the town, under the impression that they could be more useful there in intercepting the Centralists in their flight when they should be routed by the American, . . . came charging into town, with loud huzaz and firing off their guns in great Jubilee. It happened, however, that though they remained out of town to intercept the flying foe, they did not encounter them, for whilst the foe fled in one direction, López with his men entered in another.[27]

The Federalists now proceeded to plunder Laredo -- "friends and foes."[28]

26. One of Jordan's men was killed during the morning by the accidental firing of a pistol. "Information derived from Anson G. Neal," in Lamar Papers, VI, 106.

27. Ibid.

28. "It is said the Federalists plundered Laredo when they took it -- friends and foes." Hugh McLeod, Adjutant-General, to Gen. M. B. Lamar, Béxar, Aug. 28, 1840, in ibid., III, 439. However, López reported to Canales on the day of the taking of Laredo that the inhabitants of the town were "in perfect liberty and security, for the volunteers [Texans], as well as the Mexican soldiers have deported themselves during the fight in the town in such a manner as will always reflect honor upon them." Luis López to Lic. A. Canales, General in Chief of the Conventional Army, Laredo, July 26, 1840 (translated by George Fisher), in Telegraph and Texas Register, Aug. 26, 1840.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963