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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

and pointed out the need of a provisional civil government to maintain order and tranquility, since the governor and the garrison had abandoned the city to its fate. After a brief discussion, a vote was taken on the question of adherence to the Federal system and the constitution of 1824, or to Centralism as it then existed in Mexico City. The vote was unanimously in favor of Federalism. The second proposition submitted by Molano -- for a civil government -- was approved by a vote of 76 without any discussion. A provisional government for the "Free and Sovereign State of Tamaulipas" was instituted,[71]  with Don José Nuñez de Caceres being elected Governor and Don Eleno de Vargas, Lieutenant Governor. Pérez and Secretary Geronimo Olivera were removed from office. The new officers were forthwith sworn into office, after which the junta adjourned.

The inhabitants of Victoria received the Texans with open arms and "the merchants threw open their stores to the credit of our men," wrote Neal. They could scarcely afford to do otherwise. Victoria yielded only $1,100 in gold and silver, which, when distributed among the command, left each man a very "trifling sum."[72]  According to Molano's account, the money was "only divided among the strangers, which caused extraordinary disgust to the Mexicans, and aggravated [in that] manner my situation."[73]  At Victoria and other places Molano and López had seized cigars which now amounted, in all, to the value of some $15,000.[74]  With these López expected to pay off his soldiers, but when they refused to take them in payment, he ordered the cigars burned later at Jaumave.[75]  During their stay at Victoria, the Federalists were accused of invading private properties "without pity" and of removing all the tame horses they could find from the ranchos and summer pastures in the vicinity. They levied requisitions for money, cattle, and provisions, it was said; they outraged honorable citizens, casting many into prisons when they did not promptly turn over to them the resources they demanded; they ravished the unfortunate

71. Minutes of the Ayuntamiento of Ciudad Victoria, Oct. 1, 1840, in ibid.; Luis Pérez á Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Octubre 2 de 1840; José Nuñez de Caceres al D. Luis Pérez, Victoria, Octubre 3 de 1840, in ibid.

72. "Further Information from Captain Newcombe," in Lamar Papers, VI, 124.

73. Juan Nepomuceno Molano á Señores Editores del Ancla, Matamoros, Marzo 1o de 1841, in El Ancla, March 15, 1841.

74. The value of the cigars taken at Victoria was reported as 10,700 pesos. Ibid., Oct. 19, 1840; Gaceta del Gobierno de Tamaulipas, Oct. 13, 1840.

75. Lamar Papers, VI, 108, 114.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963