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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

difficult to accept these expressions of loyalty. However, Arista countered with the demand that the Federalists swear never to rebel again against the supreme government or ever recognize the independence of Texas; that the Texan adventurers be abandoned to their fate; and that the Federalists prove their loyalty and sincerity by assisting in a renewal of the Texas campaign.[93]  By way of showing Molano how foolhardy it was to continue the campaign, Arista again supplied him with information concerning Canales. He declared that Canales had been overtaken after a tenacious pursuit of eight days, and that after a brief skirmish in the Bosque de Gallo his forces had been dispersed in the direction of the Río Grande. Colonel Mendoza, he continued, had been dispatched from Matamoros to Camargo to intercept their crossing of the Río Grande and had already destroyed all canoes, chalanas, and rafts, and that no one could now pass the river in that vicinity except by swimming. To Arista, it seemed rather foolish to continue the war in view of the ability of the Centralists to concentrate their forces against Molano and López. The available Centralist forces for such an effort consisted of six hundred cavalry under General Reyes, Arista's own division, a brigade under Rafael Vasquez, and the sections under Colonel Ampudia and under Romero.

The following terms upon which Arista would accept the Federalist surrender accompanied his letter of October 14 to Molano:

Conditions under which the Mexicans under the command of Don Juan Molano submit to the Supreme Government of the nation:

Knowing that all Mexicans have not a knowledge of the situation or risk that have caused us to admit the aid of strangers for the advancement of our project, we give this as a public testimony of our patriotism and fealty to our country, declaring:

1st. That we are Mexicans, decided lovers of our countrymen, that we have never thought to rebel against the nation, nor much less acknowledge the independence of Texas.

2d. That we hate the occupiers of that fertile department; and, in proof of this, offer our persons to combat them -- this offer being made in full

93. Mariano Arista á D. Juan N. Molano, Victoria, Octubre 14 de 1840, in El Ancla, Dec. 14, 1840. The editor of El Ancla reported the letter was not received by Molano until after the battle of Saltillo because the courier entrusted with its delivery was unable to overtake Molano, due to the deficiency of horses and the fear of the battle. The terms that Arista proposed in the document accompanying his letter of October 14 were substantially the same as those ultimately agreed upon. Ibid.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963