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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

. . . you may thus be better able to advise me how to save everything. I have ordered Quintero to halt; on tomorrow he will begin to forward the supplies gradually to the river, and to cross them immediately at the ford of Carnestolendas [the Carnival]. To do it with more dispatch, it will be necessary for you to assist me with 20 or 25 pack mules on tomorrow

in order to lighten the burden of those carrying arms, as most of them are "loaded with three packs and are much fatigued." A similar number of mules had been requested from Camargo, but Canales was not sure that these would be available in time. "It will also be well," he continued, "that as many inhabitants as can be mounted should come on both sides of the river," in order that "we may with greater facility purloin everything from the view of the Americans," who, not counting Seguin's contingent which was not near, outnumbered the Mexicans in Canales' command three to one. In the meantime, special precautions were to be taken not to mention to the Texans in Canales' command "the occurrence at Saltillo."[163]  "You may rely upon all on this side of the river" proceeding "with me on tomorrow to conduct the first loads. The inhabitants of this village who go to the ford of Carnestolendas will go from there in my company. If the Americans resist, it will be necessary to fight them; but I do not wish that they should do so, at least until the artillery and arms are in our possession." In conclusion, the Mexican colonel declared, "I hope to God that we shall soon have the Texians in a situation, that they will not be able to maintain even the territory of which they have robbed us, and that they shall know how much the Mexicans are worth when united."[164]  Canales enclosed in his dispatch to Reyes a letter to General Arista, which he left open for the former's perusal, in which he declared

. . . our difficulties are at an end, peace has been restored, and confidence cemented, when we least expected it. On my part I assure you, that I have it at present in such a degree, that even without the necessity of a treaty, or guarantees I am disposed to surrender to you and to Gen. Reyes. The conduct of my auxiliaries [Texans] has caused me to dispair; and the occurrence at Saltillo has corroborated this determination; not on account of

163. Apparently, as late as November 1, the Texans under Canales were unaware of the Mexican double cross at Saltillo.

164. Lic. Canales to General Reyes, Camp at Los Olmitos, Nov. 1, 1840, in Telegraph and Texas Register, Sept. 7, 1842, and Civilian and Galveston City Gazette, Oct. 5, 1842.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963