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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

second, by permitting preparations to be made for "the glorious march of the Mexicans to wash their transgression on the fields of Texas. . . . I shall have no peace," he said, "until I see this [war] terminated and all Mexicans secure! With what pleasure we shall fire our balls, with the conviction that they do not kill except those who are the enemy of the Nation and of our fellow countrymen."[181]

The Convention put an end to the civil war in the north. In Article I of the Convention it was stated that the Federalists, in the interest of promoting "the security of the frontier" and of all Mexicans from "the instant danger of exposure to the vengeance of the foreigners [Texans] who menace them," were sacrificing "their former pretensions, with a view of helping sustain the national dignity and decorum." By the terms of the Convention, the lives, liberty, and property of all who surrendered were guaranteed; prisoners taken by both sides were to be liberated immediately; and all officers and soldiers who formerly belonged to the regular army of Mexico were to be permitted to re-enter the regular service at their former rank, or, if they preferred, to receive their discharges.[182]  The Centralist government was to receive and assume the liability for paying the vendors, often Texan or American traders, for two hundred rifles, five hundred muskets and bayonets, with accoutrements, and one hundred kegs of fine gunpowder "contracted by what was called the Provisional Government" of the Río Grande.[183]  The Federalists agreed to surrender immediately one four-pound fieldpiece, with carriage and train, two hundred muskets with bayonets, fifty kegs of fine gunpowder, all equipment for sappers, engineers, and field armorers, and other equipment. Arista agreed to "receive into the national service and complete the payment of the steamer Mediterranean or Ponchartrain (at Matagorda) of 300 tons, armed with three pieces of large caliber, which," said the Convention, "is already paid for, and requires only fifteen hundred dollars for its repairs and demurrage; the Loro of 100 tons, for which a part is

181. Mariano Arista al Jesús Cárdenas, Cadereyta, Noviembre 7 de 1840, in El Ancla, Nov. 23, 1840.

182. In giving his approval to the Convention, Arista explained "That the regiment of the six villages of the North mentioned in the 4th Article, is considered to be organized in companies, with the title of 'The Defender of the Frontier,' according to the plan established in the departments under my command, with the approbation of the Supreme Government." Telegraph and Texas Register, September 21, 1842.

183. See the Amendment to Article 8 imposed by Arista. Telegraph and Texas Register, Sept. 21, 1842.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963