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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

paid; and two schooners, the Cornelia, loaded with supplies and equipment, and the Abispa (Wasp) the first manned with three guns, and the last with two, for which also a part is paid." These vessels were reported to be in Corpus Christi Bay under the command of Ribaud and Thompson. It was further agreed that the Texans were to be permitted to return unmolested to their country; and as there were among them a few Europeans who had sought a home among the Mexicans, Arista was authorized to permit them to remain in Mexico, "if he should deem it expedient."

In proclaiming the cessation of civil war as "the work of reason and of conviction," Arista announced that "hence forward united we will combat those savage and cruel enemies of our common country, to wrest from their impure hands the fertile territory of Texas which they have usurped. . . . This is a real day of glory!"[184]

The approved armistice reached Mier at 4 p.m., November 7, and Reyes at once sent it off in the care of Carrasco to Camargo with orders to remove all the effects of the Federalists to the opposite bank of the Río Bravo.[185]  Reyes was instructed by Arista that if the "foreigners," when informed that they might retire, wished to argue about the matter, he was to unite his forces with those of Canales and force their withdrawal.[186]  The supplies, munitions, and other effects of the Federalists were crossed over without damage; however, an artillery piece with troops was left on the other side of the river to protect against any hostile act from the discontented Americans, who were reported to have just marched towards the Nueces. Late the following day, November 8, Canales with the remainder of the Mexican troops who accompanied him reported to Reyes at Mier, "leaving only at the bank of the river a party of observation," the Texan adventurers having just departed. Accompanied by a great many officers, Canales entered Mier at night with all the train and the four-pounder. "The rejoicing," he informed Arista, "was of such a general nature that it

184. "Proclamation of Mariano Arista, Commander in Chief of the Northern Army Corps, to the troops of his command, Head Quarters at Cadereyta Jimenez, Nov. 8, 1840," in Civilian and Galveston Gazette, Oct. 5, 1842; Telegraph and Texas Register, Sept. 21, 1842; El Ancla, Nov. 23, 1840.

185. Isidro Reyes to Mariano Arista, Army Corps of the North, 2nd in Command, Division of Cavalry, Mier, Nov. 7, 1840, no. 69, in El Ancla, Nov. 23, 1840.

186. Mariano Arista to Gen. D. Isidro Reyes, Cuartel General en Cadereita Jiminez, Noviembre 8 de 1840, num. 63, in ibid.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963