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The Southwestern Frontier

first fire. The Texans continued to advance as they reloaded and fired again and again. The Mexicans, in the meantime, had also dismounted and were firing from behind their horses, but both their guns and their marksmanship were inferior to those of the Texans. They became demoralized, and began to fall back on foot. About this time, Hays directed two of his men to ascend a hill nearby to see if any more of the enemy could be discovered. Learning that the whole Mexican force was in front of them and seeing the enemy begin to give way, the Texans charged furiously, seized some of the abandoned horses, and gave pursuit, discharging their rifles and pistols as they pursued the fleeing enemy. After fleeing several hundred yards, the Mexicans made one further attempt to rally. They again dismounted to make a stand. Coming up to within one hundred yards of them, the Texans likewise dismounted as the enemy's bullets whistled around them. As soon as they had dismounted, the Texans charged furiously upon the enemy, drove him from his position and captured his remaining horses. The Mexicans, with the exception of their captain and three who had remained mounted, soon surrendered, while their mounted brethren sought safety in flight. At this point, the Mexicans had two of their number killed on the field. The Texans vaulted into the saddles of the enemy and continued the pursuit. Upon being overtaken, the remaining Mexicans threw down their arms and called for quarter. Only one of the enemy horsemen succeeded in effecting his escape, and he was their leader -- Captain Ignacio García -- "who carried off a bullet in his left cheek from Captain Burger's rifle ."[23]

During the fight, Mike Chevallie was thrown from his horse, some distance from the main body of the Texans, and was pursued by several Mexican lancers while endeavoring to get back to his comrades. Witnessing the race, Hays turned in his saddle and shot the foremost lancer dead; whereupon, the others retreated, much to the relief of Chevallie.[24]

The Mexicans from Laredo lost nine[25]  killed and three severely

23. Affleck, "John C. Hays," I, 154; Lamar Papers, IV, pt. I, 232-233.

24. James T. Shields, "Jack Hays: Famous Texas Ranger," in The American Home Journal, June 1906.

25. P. L. Burger reported, and John S. Ford seems to confirm his statement, that nine Mexicans were killed. Both men participated in the fight. The official report, made by Hays, gives the number as three Mexicans killed, three severely wounded, and says that several other Mexicans, wounded early in the fight, were carried off. It is possible that some of those who were carried off may have died later. Hays'

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963