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Mexican Commander Requests Armistice

tain," reported the editor of the Austin City Gazette, "Texas need not anticipate an invasion from Mexico, no matter how much the Mexican Government and the papers under their control may talk about and threaten an invasion; it is merely done for effect, and as a means of raising money, but without even the most distant intention of making the attempt."[34]

1908, II, 768-777. A similar view was expressed by William E. Jones, from Gonzales County, in the House of Representatives on December 9, 1841, in Smither (ed.), Journals of the Sixth Congress of the Republic of Texas, II, 121-122.

34. Quoted in Telegraph and Texas Register, Sept. 29, 1841.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963