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Capture and Death of Dimitt

the Country."[32]  They both urged giving assistance and assurances to the liberals in the northern provinces of Mexico and to the revolutionists in Yucatán.[33]  Wrote Love,

I am aware that in the exhau[sted] state of our finances, that no efficie[nt] force can be put on foot for land services, but the Federalists of the North, and [in] the South, may be strengthened by forming [so]me understanding with them of aid and [subs]istance, a few hundred soldiers would [do] this on [the] Río del Norte, and a single vessel of War at Yucatán. . . . Is it not well to consider what means of aggressio[n] and annoyance we have in [our] power, and to make her feel th[at] peace with Texas is necessary [for] her own security?[34]

Very little additional expense would be incurred in the employment of the navy in an operation against Mexico since it was already equipped and manned.

John Henry Brown (later a well-known Texas historian) wrote at this time that while he was opposed to "another volunteer army from the U. S. entering Texas" and to "having anything to do with such a body," he believed that if it became necessary to prosecute the war against Mexico, it could be done best without expense to the government by having the navy blockade the Mexican ports and make reprisals.[35]  "If Texas has the ships, and Yucatán has dollars to sail and fight these ships," declared the Texas Sentinel on September 23, "we say in God's name, let them go and do the work which cannot but be honorable and advantageous to both nations."

32. James Love to M. B. Lamar, Galveston, June 30, 1841, in Lamar Papers, III, 541-542; Abner S. Lipscomb to M. B. Lamar, Galveston, June 29, 1841, in ibid., III, 539-540.

33. A Federalist uprising broke out in Yucatán in May 1839, and its leaders declared independence in June 1840. On the eve of the inauguration of the new Mexican constitution of 1843, the war with Mexico was brought to an amicable end, and a treaty was concluded at the City of Mexico on December 14, 1843, by which Yucatán agreed to recognize the government and constitution of Mexico with representation in the new congress, but was to enjoy complete autonomy. In January 1846, Yucatán again declared herself independent of Mexico. George L. Rives, The United States and Mexico, 1821-1848, I, 451-452, 462-463; II, 225; Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of Mexico, V, 244.

34. James Love to M. B. Lamar, Galveston, June 30, 1841, in Lamar Papers, III, 541-542.

35. Extract of a letter to Thomas M. Duke, dated Matagorda, July 12, 1841, in John Henry Brown Papers, 1835-1872; ms.; Texas Sentinel, Sept. 23, 1841.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963