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Muster Rolls of Certain Select Frontier Forces, 1839-1841

Colonel Edward Burleson's command in pursuit of Córdova,
as listed in the Telegraph and Texas Register,
April 17, 1839.

Adkisson, A. J.
Alderson, Henry
Alexander, P. D.
Allen, George
Anderson, J. D.
Andrews, M.
Barnhart, Joseph
Barton, Wayne
Bennett, S. C.
Billingsley, Jesse
Brown, A. C.
Brown, John W.
Burleson, Edward
Burleson, John
Burleson, Jonathan
Byers, Ross
Caldwell, John
Campbell, B. A.
Carter, William
Caruthers, William
Childress, Hugh M.
Clopton, William A.
Colver, Samuel
Conley, Preston
Conn, Napoleon
Crockeron, Henry
Cunningham, J. R.
Dancer, John
Durst, John G.
Eaken, John J.
Engelhart, Lewis
Fentress, James
Flesher, Nelson
Foster, John L.
Gillet, S. S.
Gilmore, D. C.
Glas[s]cock, G. J.
Gorman, James P.
Hardeman, Owen B.   
       Hardeman, William P.
Haynie, Dr. S. G.
Hemphill, C. M.
Hemphill, W. A.
Hicks, M.
Highsmith, Samuel
Holmes, William
Hornsby, M. M.
Hornsby, William M.
Johnson, Enoch S.
Lester, J. S.
Lloy[d], Richard J.
Lynch, John L.
McGary, Isaac
McKennon, Thomas
Mabry, James L.
Miller, James
Miller, R. W.
Mills, R. M.
Moore, John
Moore, Thomas A.
Morgan, H. S.
Newcomb, W.
Norris, J.
Pendleton, J. W.
Rice, J. O.
Robinson, John B.
Robison, J. N.
Robison, W. M.
Sanders, Thomas
Scott, G. W.
Sharp, G. W.
Shelp, D. C.
Smith, J. L.
Turner, Winslow
Vandever, Logan
Walker, Martin
Whiting, F. P.
Wilson, _______
Woods, Henry G.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963