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Bibliography Primary Sources - Public Documents - Manuscripts |
Records; Proclamations of the Presidents; Record of Executive Documents. Proclamations of the Presidents (Texas). Texas State Archives. Rangers (Texas). SEE Muster Rolls; Webb, W. P., Collection. Record of Executive Documents from the 10th December 1838 to the 14th December 1841. Texas State Archives. "Relaciones Exteriores Asuntos Varios Comercio Estados Unidos, 1825-1849," Barker Transcripts from the Archivo de la Secretaría. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. "Relaciones Exteriores Internacional Estados Unidos, 1842-1847," Barker Transcripts from Archivo de la Secretaría. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. Republic of Texas Papers. SEE Texas Republic Papers. Reyes, Isidro. "Informe de Isidro Reyes g[ene]ral de brigada de ejército mejicano 2d en jefe de la Division Auxiliar del Norte y com[andan]te general inspector del Departamento de Coahuila y Tejas, Abril 10 de 1840." Archivo de la Secretaría de Gobierno, Saltillo, Coahuila, Vol. XLI, Exp. Núm. 1360, Legájo Núm. 34 (1839-1842). Transcript in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. San Antonio, City of. "Journal A, Records of the City of San Antonio." Typed ms. in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. San Augustine Church. SEE Defunciones. Seguin, Town Book of. SEE Town Book of Seguin. Smith, Justin H. "Transcripts," Vols. V-VI. Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. State Department (Texas). Department of State Correspondence, December 1835-February 1836. Texas State Archives. State Department (Texas). Department of State Letterbook, November 1836-December 1841. Texas State Archives. State Department (Texas). Department of State Letterbook, no. 1 (November 1836-January 1842). Texas State Archives. State Department (Texas). Department of State Letterbook, no. 2 (November 1836-March 1841). Texas State Archives. Stephens, W. B. "Collection." Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. "Summary investigation held concerning the apprehension of fourteen foreigners, Texians, who were in the neighborhood of the Nueces River, Plaza de Matamoros, 1841." Archivo General, Secretaría de Guerra y de Marina, 1841-1842; Legájo Núm. 1. Transcript in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. Texas Adjutant General's Records. SEE Webb, W. P., Collection. Texas Colony Contracts, February 1842-January 1844. Texas State Archives. Texas Congress. Bills, Texas State Archives. _____, Committee Reports. Texas State Archives. |