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Bibliography - Alternate alphabetical list |
Adams, Ephraim D. British Interests and Activities in Texas, 1838-1846. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins Press, 1910. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______ (ed.). British Diplomatic Correspondence Concerning the Republic of Texas, 1836-1846. Austin, Texas: Texas State Historical Association, 1917. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______ (ed.). "Correspondence from the British Archives Concerning Texas, 1837-1848," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XV (1911-1912), 201-265, 294-355; XVI (1912-1913), 75-98, 184-213, 291-327, 423-429; XVII (1913-1914), 67-92, 188-206, 306-314, 415-427; XVIII (1914-1915), 83-108, 208-214, 305-326, 410-417; XIX (1915-1916), 91-99, 195-206, 283-312, 405-439; XX (1916-1917), 59-95, 154-193, 277-307, 381-403; XXI (1917-1918), 69-98, 185-213. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Address of Congress to All the People of Texas, November 12, 1838. SEE Texas Congress, Joint Committee of. [Address to the Army on the Subject of Desertion, March 14, 1840]. SEE Lamar, Mirabeau B. Adjutant-General, Report of. SEE Texas Adjutant General. Adjutant General's Records. SEE Webb, W. P., Collection. Affleck, J. D. "History of John C. Hays," Pts. I-II. Typed MS. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Alessio Robles, Vito. Coahuila y Texas desde la consumación de la independencia hasta el tratado de paz de Guadalupe Hidalgo. 2 vols. Mexico City: 1945-1946. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Saltillo en la historia y en la leyenda. Mexico City: [A del Bosque, impresor], 1934. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Amador, Juan V. and others. Manifiesto del ejército que ha operado contra los tejanos á la nación méjicana. [Dated and signed at end:] Cuartel General en Matamoros, Octubre 16 de 1836. El General en Gefe, Juan V. Amador. El Mayor General, Adrián Woll [and twenty-three others] [Matamoros:] Imprenta del Mercurio de Matamoros, [1836]. Broadside. Copy in Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Ampudia, Pedro de. SEE Filisola, Vicente. Anaya, Juan Pablo de. Papers, 1792-1867. Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Ancla, El (Matamoros), 1839-1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Annual Message of Mirabeau B. Lamar. SEE Lamar, Mirabeau. B. Annual Report of the Secretary of War. SEE Texas War Department. Archer, Branch T. Report of the Secretary of War, September, 1841. SEE Texas War Department. Arista, Mariano. "Proceso institutido contra los extranjeros Victor Lupín y Benito Watman acusados de haber tomado armas contra el gobierno de la Republica. Marzo 26 de 1840." Archivo de la Secretaría de Gobierno, Saltillo, Coahuila, Vol. XLI, Exp. Núm. 1360, Legájo Núm. 34 (1839-1842). Transcript in Archives Collection, University of Texas. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] _______. El C[iudadano] Mariano Arista, general de brigada del egército mégicano y en gefe del cuerpo de Egército del Norte. [Proclamation defining and imposing penalties for engaging in contraband trade with Texas and providing for the division of captured contraband.] [Text begins:] "Á las tropas de mi mando y á los habitantes de la frontera de los Departamentos de Oriente . . ." [Dated and signed at the end:] Dado en el cuartel general de Sabinas el dia 13 de abril de 1841. Mariano Arista. [1841]. [Sabinas: 1841]. Broadside. Matamoros Archives, XXXVIII, 196. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. "Cuerpo del Ejército de Norte. General en gefe [Mariano Arista], Monterey, Enero 23 de 1841," in Gaceta del Gobierno de Tamaulipas, March 13, 1841. Circular. Matamoros Archives. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. General en gefe del cuerpo de Ejército del Norte, á Exmo. Sr. Gobernador del Departamento de _______. Cuartel general en el Saltillo, Diciembre 15 de 1840. [Saltillo: 1840]. Broadside. Copy in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. El general en gefe del cuerpo de ejército del Norte, á la 1a Division. Cuartel general en Arroyo Colorado, Agosto 30 de 1840. [Matamoros? 1840] Broadside. Copy in Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. El general en gefe del cuerpo de Egército del Norte á los habitantes de los departamentos de Tamaulipas, Nuevo León y Coahuila. Cuartel General en Victoria de Tamaulipas a 13 de Octubre de 1840. [Ciudad Victoria? 1840]. Broadside. Matamoros Archives, XXXIX, 150. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. El general en gefe del cuerpo de Ejército del Norte á los habitantes de los departamentos de Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Nuevo León. Cuartel General en Monterey, Enero 3 de 1841. [Monterey: 1841]. Broadside. Matamoros Archives, XXXIX, 151. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. General en gefe de la Division Auxiliar del Norte, á los habitantes de los departamentos de Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Nuevo León. Cuartel General en el Saltillo, Diciembre 12 de 1839. [Saltillo? 1839]. Broadside. Copy in Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. "To Mr. Mirabeau Lamar, Lampazos [Mexico], April 21, 1841 (confidential)," in Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, VII (1903-1904), 173-174. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Arizpe, Ignacio de. Nota del Gobernador de Coahuila Ignacio de Arizpe al Ministro de la Guerra, Saltillo, 5 de Noviembre de 1840, in Archivo de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Operaciones Militares, 1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Army of the North (Mexico). SEE Arista, Mariano; Canalizo, Valentín; Filisola, Vicente; Reyes, Isidro; Bravo, Nicolás. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Army Papers (Texas). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Austin City Gazette, 1839-1842. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Austin, Henry. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Austin, Stephen F. Map of Texas with parts of the adjoining states. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner, 1837. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] Bache, Alexander D. Maps Galveston Entrance, Galveston Bay and Aransas Pass, Texas. Washington: U. S. Coast Survey, 1853. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] _______. Notes on the Coast of the United States. Section IX. Coast of Texas, with 10 maps. June, 1861. [This memoir was prepared by Captain C. P. Patterson, Hydrographic Inspector, and revised by Supt. A. D. Bache. MS. in Texas State Archives. A complete survey of the Texas Coast made in 1859-1860.] [Ed: Primary Source-Map] Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Mexico. 6 vols. San Francisco: The History Co., 1886-1887. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. History of Texas and the North Mexican States. 2 vols. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Company, 1889. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Barker, Eugene C. (ed.). The Austin Papers, in Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1919, Vol. II, pts. 1-2, and 1922, Vol. II. 2 vols. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1924-1928. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______ (ed.). The Austin Papers. Vol. III. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______ (ed.). "James K. Holland's Diary of a Texan Volunteer in the Mexican War," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXX (1926-1927), 1-33. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______. Life of Stephen F. Austin, Austin, Texas: The Texas State Historical Association, 1949. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. "The Tampico Expedition," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, VI (1902-1903), 169-186. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] _______. "The Texan Revolutionary Army," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, IX (1905-1906), 227-261. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] _______ (ed.). Texas History for High Schools and Colleges. Dallas, Texas: Turner Company, 1929. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______, [Eugene C.]. Transcripts from Archivo de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores International. SEE "Relaciones Exteriores International . . ." [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] _______, [Eugene C.]. Transcripts from Archivo de la Secretaría de Relaciones Asuntos Varios Comercio. SEE "Relaciones Exteriores Asuntos Varios Comercio . . ." [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Barrett, Don Carlos. Papers, 1800-1897. Typescript in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Barton, Henry W. "The Problem of Command in the Army of the Republic of Texas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, LXII (1958-1959), 299-311. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Bassett, John S. (ed.). Correspondence of Andrew Jackson. 7 vols. Washington, D. C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1926-1935. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Bayard, Ralph F. Lone-Star Vanguard: The Catholic Re-occupation of Texas, 1838-1848. St. Louis, Missouri: The Vicentian Press, 1945. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Bell, Thomas W. A Narrative of the Capture and Subsequent Sufferings of the Mier Prisoners in Mexico, Captured in the Cause of Texas, Dec. 26th, 1842 and Liberated Sept. 16th, 1844. DeSoto County, Mississippi: R. Morris & Co., 1845. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Biesele, R. L. The History of the German Settlements in Texas, 1831-1861. Austin, Texas: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., [1930]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Billingsley, Jesse. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Bills. SEE Texas Congress. Binkley, William C. "The Activities of the Texan Revolutionary Army after San Jacinto," Journal of Southern History, VI (1904), 331-346. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] _______. The Expansionist Movement in Texas, 1836-1850. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1925. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______ (ed.). Official Correspondence of the Texas Revolution, 1835-1836. 2 vols. New York: D. Appleton and Company, Inc., 1936. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1927. [Washington, D.C.]: Government Printing Office, 1928. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Biographical Directory of the Texan Conventions and Congresses: Austin, Texas: Book Exchange, Inc., [1941]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Bishop, Curtis, and Bascom Giles. Lots of Land. Austin, Texas: The Steck Company, 1949. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Blanchard, P. and A. Dauzats. San Juan de Ulùa: ou Relation de l'expédition Francaise au Mexique, sous les ordres de M. le Contre-Amiral Baudin . . . Suivi de notes et documents, et d'un apercu général sur l'état actuel du Texas, par. M. E. Maissin . . . Paris: Gide, 1839. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Boletín del Gobierno (Mexico City), July 1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Boletín Official (Mexico City), September-October, 1841. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Bolton, Herbert E. Texas in the Middle Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1915. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Brabo [Bravo], Nicolás. El general en gefe del Ejército del Norte, á las tropas de su mando. Cuartel general en San Luis Potosí, Noviembre 9 de 1826 [i.e. 1836]. [San Luis Potosí: 1836]. Broadside. Copy in Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Brazos Courier (Brazoria), 1839-1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Brisa, La (Matamoros), August 30-November 15, 1839. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Brown, Frank. "Annals of Travis County and the City of Austin." Typed MS. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Brown, John Henry. History of Texas, from 1685 to 1892. 2 vols. St. Louis, Missouri: L. E. Daniell, [1892-1893]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas. Austin, Texas: L. E. Daniell, [190?] [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Papers, 1835-1872. Typescript and original in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Brown, Maury Bright. "The Military Defenses of Texas and the Río Grande Region about 1766." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1924. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Brue, A. Carte du Texas. Extraite de la Grande Carte du Mexique par A. Brue, Géographe du Roi. Paris: 1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] Burnet, David G. Message of the President, on the Subject of Our Mexican Relations. [Austin: Austin City Gazette Office, 1840]. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Reply to the Report of Committee on the Santa Fé Expedition. Houston: Telegraph Press, [1842]. 7 + [1] pp. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______, President, and A. Somerville, Secretary of War. [Proclamation to the People of Texas]. Done at Velasco, the 20th day of June, 1836. [Brazoria: F. C. Gray, 1836]. Broadside. Copy in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Bustamante, Carlos María. El gabinete mexicano durante el segundo periodo de la administración del Exmo. Señor Presidente D. Anastacio Bustamante, hasta le entrega del mando al Exmo. Señor Presidente Interino D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. 2 vols. Mexico City: 1842. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Canalizo, Valentín. El general en gefe de la Division del Norte á sus subordinados, Cuartel General de Matamoros y Noviembre _______ de 1839. [Matamoros: 1839]. Broadside. Copy in Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. El gral. . . . segundo en gefe del Ejército del Norte á los indiviudos [sic] que componen la segunda division. Cuartel General en Matamoros, Abril 3 de 1838. Matamoros: Imprenta del Ancla, 1838. Broadside. Copy in Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. SEE ALSO, Filisola, Vicente. Cárdenas, Jesús. Prefecto del distrito de Norte en el Departamento de Tamaulipas, á todos sus habitantes, Mier, Enero 6 de 1842. Broadside. Matamoros Archives, 1840-1842, XL (photostat), Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Carreño, Alberto M. (ed.). Jefes del ejército mexicano en 1847: biografías de generals de division y de coronels del ejército mexicano por fines del año de 1847 [Fly leaf says to the end of "1840"] Mexico City: Imprenta y Folotipia de la Secretaría de Fomento, 1914. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Carroll, H. Bailey. The Texan Santa Fé Trail. Canyon, Texas: Panhandle Plains Historical Society, 1951. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Castañeda, Carlos E. (trans.). The Mexican Side of the Texan Revolution [1836]: By the Chief Mexican Participants . . . Translated with Notes by Carlos E. Castañeda. Dallas, Texas: P. L. Turner Co., c1928. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______ (ed.). Three Manuscript Maps of Texas by Stephen F. Austin; With Biographical and Bibliographical Notes by Carlos E. Castañeda . . . and Early Martin, Jr. Austin, Texas: Privately printed, 1930. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] _______ and Jack Autry Dabbs (eds.). Guide to the Latin American Manuscripts in the University of Texas Library. Edited for the University of Texas and the Committee of Latin American Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1939. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Centinela de Tamaulipas, El (Ciudad Victoria), January 10-March 22, 1839. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Chabot, Frederick C. Corpus Christi and Lipantitlán. San Antonio, Texas: Artes Gráficas, 1942. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. With the Makers of San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas: Artes Gráficas, 1937. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Christian, A. K. "Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXIII (1919-1920), 153-170, 231-270; XXIV (1920-1921), 39-139, 194-234. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Christian, Asa K. "The Tariff History of the Republic of Texas." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1917. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] City Records (Matamoros), Vols. 1-57 (1811-1859). Photostats in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Civilian and Galveston Gazette (Galveston), 1838-1843. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Colección de leyes y decretos, publicados en el año de 1839, [and 1840]. Mexico City: Imprenta en Palacio, 1852. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Colony Contracts. SEE Texas Colony Contracts. Colorado Gazette and Advertiser (Matagorda), 1839-1842. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Committee Reports. SEE Texas Congress. Comptroller's Military Service Records (Texas). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Concordia, La (Ciudad Victoria), 1837-1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Conde, Francisco G. El gobernador y comandante general del departamento á sus habitantes. Chihuahua, Julio 28 de 1841. Francisco G. Conde. [Chihuahua:] Imprenta del Gobierno, [1841]. Broadside. Copy in Huntington Library, San Marino, California. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Congress (Texas). SEE Texas Congress. Conrad, Howard Louis. Nathaniel J. Brown: Biographical Sketch and Reminiscences of a Noted Pioneer. Chicago: Byron S. Palmer Printing Company, 1892. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Consular Correspondence (Texas), 1838-1875. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Consular Dispatches (United States), 1837-1848 (Matamoros). Microfilm in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Consular Dispatches (United States), 1838 (Tampico). Microfilm in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Consular Letters (Texas), 1835-1844. Microfilm in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Corpus Christi: A History and Guide. [Corpus Christi, Texas]: Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 1942. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Corro, José Justo. [Decree of the Congreso general, approved by José Justo Corro, President ad interim, July 16, 1836, opening the port of Matamoros to the importation of provisions during the war with Texas, assigning those provisions to the expeditionary force, and exempting from seizure mules and wagons carrying supplies to that army from within the country]. Mexico, Julio 16 de 1836. [Mexico City: 1836]. 4 p. printed folder headed: "Secretaría de Hacienda. Seccion 1a." Copy in Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. [Decree of José Justo Corro, Presidente ad interim, dated July 16, 1836, is extended to all the ports at the north occupied by the expeditionary force against Texas]. Mexico, Octubre 15 de 1836. [Mexico City: 1836]. 4 p. folder printed on p. [1] and headed: "Secretaría de Hacienda. Seccion 1a." Copy in Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. [Decree of José Justo Corro, President ad interim, promulgated October 15, 1836, by Alas, Secretary of the Treasury, establishing a commissary department for the army now proceeding to Texas], Mexico City: 15 de Octubre de 1836. Broadside, headed: "Secretaría de Hacienda. Seccion la." Copy in Bancroft Library, University of California. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Cosmopolita, El (Mexico City), December 19, 1835-July 1843. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Courrier, Le (New Orleans), January-March 1840 [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Cox, I. J. "The Southwest Boundary of Texas," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, VI (1902-1903), 81-102. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Coyner, C. Luther. "Peter Hansbrough Bell," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, III (1899-1900), 49-53. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Crane, Robert Edmund Lee, Jr. "The Administration of the Customs Service of the Republic of Texas." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1939. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Crane, William Carey. Life and Select Literary Remains of Sam Houston of Texas. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1884. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Cravens, John Nathan. James Harper Starr: Financier of the Republic of Texas. Austin, Texas: The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, 1950. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Crawford, Polly Pearl. "The Beginnings of Spanish Settlements in the Lower Río Grande Valley," Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1925. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Crimmins, M. L. (ed.). "W. G. Freeman's Report of the Eighth Military Department," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, LI (1947-1948), 54-58, 167-174, 252-258, 350-357; LII (1948-1949), 100-108, 227-233, 349-353, 444-447; LIII (1949-1950), 71-77, 202-208, 308-319, 443-473; LIV (1950-1951), 204-218. Crimmin's editing is based on a copy in the Office of Quartermaster General, File Box No. 1, Item 51, San Antonio, National Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Crocket, George Louis. Two Centuries in East Texas: A History of San Augustine County and Surrounding Territory from 1685 to the Present Time. Dallas, Texas: Southwest Press, [1932]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Croffut, W. A. (ed.). Fifty Years in Camp and Field: Diary of Major General Ethan Allen Hitchcock. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] |