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Bibliography - Alternate alphabetical list |
La Brisa. SEE Brisa, La. La Concordia. SEE Concordia, La. Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte. [Address to the army on the subject of desertion, dated:] Executive Department, Austin, March 14, 1840. [Text begins:] Soldiers: I am constrained by feelings of deep regret and mortification, to address you in the language of admonition. . . . [Published with General Order, no. 6. Austin: Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, March 14, 1840]. Broadside. Archives Collection, University of Texas. Printed in Gulick, C. A., and Others (eds.). Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, III, 352-353. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. The Annual Message of Mirabeau B. Lamar, President of the Republic of Texas, Communicated to Both Houses of Congress, Nov. 3d, 1841. Austin: S. Whiting, 1841. 20 pp. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Letter from the President of Texas to the Governor of Yucatán. Austin: S. Whiting, printer [1841]. 3 pp. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Message of the President, Submitted to Both Houses, December 21, 1838. Published by Order of Congress. Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1838. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Papers. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Laredo. SEE Defunciones. Laredo Archives. Records of the City of Laredo. Laredo, Texas. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Laws of the Republic of Texas, Passed at the Session of the Fifth Congress. Printed by Order of the Secretary of State, Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1841. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Laws of the Republic of Texas. Printed by order of the Secretary of State. 2 vols. Houston: Office of the Telegraph, 1838. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Le Courrier SEE Courrier, Le. Linn, John J. Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Texas. New York: D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 1883. Austin, Texas: The Steck Company, 1935 (facsimile reproduction of the original, including title-page of New York edition of 1883). [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] López de Lara, Jorgé. El Ciudadano Jorgé López de Lara, alcalde 1o constitucional de esta ciudad á sus habitantes. Matamoros, Noviembre 8 de 1839. [Matamoros]: Imprenta del Ancla [1839]. Broadside. Matamoros Archives. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Lott, Virgil N., and Mercurio Martinez. Kingdom of Zapata. San Antonio, Texas. The Naylor Company, [1953]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Lubbock, Francis R. Six Decades in Texas: or Memoirs of Francis Richard Lubbock. Austin, Texas: Ben C. Jones & Co., 1900. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Madray, Mrs. I. C. A History of Bee County with Some Brief Sketches about Men and Events in Adjoining Counties. Beeville, Texas: Beeville Publishing Co., 1939. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Maissin, Eugene. The French in Mexico and Texas (1838-1839). Translated from the French with introduction and notes by James L. Shepherd, III. Salado, Texas: The Anson Jones Press, 1961. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______. Notes et Documents et d'un apercu général sur l'état du Texas, avec un grand nombre de belles gravures. Paris: Blanchard & Dauzats, 1839. Published also in Blanchard, P., San Juan de Ulua. . . . Paris: Gide, 1839, pp. [522]-572. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Manifestación que hace . . . Francisco G. Pavón. SEE Pavón, Francisco G. Manifiesto del ejército . . . Octubre 16 de 1836. SEE Amador, Juan V. Manning, William R. (ed.). Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States: Inter-American Affairs, vols. 8 and 12. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1937 and 1939. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Map of the Republic of Texas, from the most recent authorities. Philadelphia: C. S. Williams, 1845. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] Mapa de los Estados unidos méjicanos arreghida a la distribución que en diversos de . . . ha hecho del territorio al Congreso general Méjicano. Paris: Publicado por Rosa, 1837. [Ed: Primary Source-Map] Marshall, Thomas Maitland. A History of the Western Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase, 1819-1841, University of California Publications in History, Vol. II. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1914. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Matagorda Bulletin, 1837-1839. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Matamoros City Records. SEE City Records (Matamoros). Maverick, Samuel A. Papers, 1825-1888. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] McCaleb, Walter F. "The First Period in the Gutiérrez-Magee Expedition," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, IV (1900-1901), 218-229. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] McCalla, W. L. Adventures in Texas, Chiefly in the Spring and Summer of 1840: with a Discussion of Comparative Character, Political, Religious and Moral. Philadelphia: 1841. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] McCampbell, Coleman. Saga of a Frontier Seaport. Dallas, Texas: Southwest Press, [1934]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] McLeod, Hugh. SEE Houston, Sam, General Order; Texas Adjutant General. Memorials and Petitions (Texas). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Menchaca, Antonio. Memoirs, Compiled by Charles M. Barnes. Yanaguana Society Publications, II, (Yanaguana Society, San Antonio, 1937, Artes Gráficas, San Antonio, Texas). [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Menchaca, Manuel. Noticia extraordinaria [Report from Lieutenant Don Manuel Menchaca, "comandante militar de la Villa de Guerrero," dated August 24, 1839, to Valentín Canalizo. Published by the Secretario de Gobierno de Nuevo León and dated and signed at the end:] Monterey, Agosto 28 de 1839 [by] Francisco Margain, oficial 2o. Monterey: Imprenta del Gobierno, á cargo del C. Froylan de Mier, 1839. Broadside. Copy in Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Menefee, John S. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Messages of the Presidents. SEE name of President. Mexican Diplomatic Correspondence with England. SEE English-Mexican Diplomatic Correspondence. Military Service Records. SEE Comptroller's Military Service Records. Militia Rolls (Texas). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Miller, W. D. Papers, 1833-1860. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Miracle, Pedro Julian. "Memorandum Book [of Pedro Julian Miracle]," in "Report of the Secretary of State . . . Relative to the Encroachments of the Indians of the United States upon the Territories of Mexico, Washington, Jan. 11, 1853," Senate Executive Documents, 32nd Cong., 2nd Sess., no. 14. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Montoya, José Cayetano de. Comandancia militar del Saltillo. A Señor Goneral [sic] en Gefe D. Mariano Arista. Saltillo, Octubre 30 de 1840, Saltillo. Imprenta del Gobierno de Coahuila, 1840. 4 p. folder printed on first 3 pages. Copy in Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Yale University Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Moore, E. W. To the People of Texas: An Appeal in Vindication of His Conduct of the Navy. Galveston, Texas: [Civilian and Galveston Gazette Office], 1843. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Moore, Robert Lee. "History of Refugio County." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1937. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Morgan, James. Papers. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Morning Star (Houston), 1839-1845. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Morrell, Z[enos] N. Flowers and Fruits in the Wilderness: or Forty-Six Years in Texas and Two Winters in Honduras. 4th ed. rev. Dallas, Texas: W. G. Scarff & Co., Publishers, 1886. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Mosquito Mexicano, El (Mexico City), February-May 1839. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Muckleroy, Anna. "The Indian Policy of the Republic of Texas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXV (1921-1922), 229-260; XXVI (1922-1923), 1-29, 128-148, 184-206. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Muster Rolls, 1830-1860 (Rangers). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Nance, Joseph Milton (ed.). "A Letter Book of Joseph Eve, United States Chargé d'Affaires to Texas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XLIII (1939-1940), 196-221, 265-377, 486-510: XLIV (1940-1941), 96-116. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Neill, Andrew. Papers, 1824-1874. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] New Orleans Picayune, April 18, 1841. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Niles' Weekly Register (Baltimore), 1811-1849. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] [Page, Frederic Benjamin]. Prairiedom: Rambles and Scrambles in Texas or New Estremadura by a Suthron. New York: Paine & Durgess, 1845. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Parmenter, Mary Fisher. The Life of George Fisher, 1795-1873, and the History of the Fisher Family in Mississippi. Jacksonville, Florida: H. & W. B. Drew Co., 1959. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Pavón, Francisco G. [Account of the Revolutionary Activities of the Texans], San Luis Potosí, Noviembre 30 de 1839, published as a 5 p. double column Suplemento á la Gaceta, numero 101, San Luis Potosí, Diciembre 3 de 1839. Copy in The Archivo General de Estado, San Luis Potosí, México. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Manifestación que hace de su conducta militar, a la nación, el Coronel del 1er Regimento de Caballeria, Francisco G. Pavón. Mexico City: 1841. 24 pp. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Peraza, Col. SEE Department of State (Texas). Perry, James F. Papers. Transcripts in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Petitions. SEE Memorials and Petitions (Texas). Pierce, Frank C. A Brief History of the Lower Río Grande Valley. Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta Publishing Co., 1917. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Potter, R. M. "Escape of Karnes and Teal from Matamoros," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, IV (1900-1901), 71-85, 232-233. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] President (Texas). SEE Executive Department Journals; Executive Records; Proclamations of the Presidents; Record of Executive Documents. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Proclamations of the Presidents (Texas). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. SEE Southwestern Historical Quarterly. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Quintero, José A. José A. Quintero en Ciudad Victoria; un decreto del presidente sobre una contribución establecida durante la guerra con Téjas, Abril 7 de 1841. [Ciudad Victoria: 1841]. Matamoros Archives, XXXVIII, 192-195. Photostat in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Rader, Jesse L. South of Forty: From the Mississippi to the Río Grande. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Raines, C. W. A Bibliography of Texas: Being a Descriptive List of Books, Pamphlets, and Documents Relating to Texas in Print and Manuscript since 1536, including a Complete Collation of the Laws; with an Introductory Essay on the Materials of Early Texas History. Austin, Texas: The Gammel Book Co., 1896. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Ramos Arizpe, Miguel. Memoria sobre el estado de las provincias internas de oriente presentada a las cortes del Cádiz. Mexico City: Bibliofilos Mexicanos, 1932. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______. Memorial of the Natural, Political, and Civil State of the Province of Coahuila, One of the Four Internal Provinces of the East, in the Kingdom of Mexico, and Those of the New Kingdom of León, New Santander, and Texas . . . [Translated from original Spanish printed at Cadiz, 1812]. Philadelphia: Printed for John Melish, G. Palmer, Printer, 1814. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Rangers (Texas). SEE Muster Rolls; Webb, W. P., Collection. Reagan, John H. "The Expulsion of the Cherokees from East Texas," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, I (1897-1898), 38-46. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Record of Executive Documents from the 10th December 1838 to the 14th December 1841. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Red-Lander, The (San Augustine), 1841-1845. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Reid, John C. Reid's Tramp: or a Journal of . . . Travel Through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, and California. Selma, Alabama: J. Hardy & Co., 1858. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Reinhardt, Mrs. Ina Kate (Hamon). "The Public Career of Thomas Jefferson Green in Texas." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1939. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] "Relaciones Exteriores Asuntos Varios Comercio Estados Unidos, 1825-1849," Barker Transcripts from the Archivo de la Secretaría. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] "Relaciones Exteriores Internacional Estados Unidos, 1842-1847," Barker Transcripts from Archivo de la Secretaría. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Republic of Texas Papers. SEE Texas Republic Papers. Reyes, Isidro. "Informe de Isidro Reyes g[ene]ral de brigada de ejército mejicano 2d en jefe de la Division Auxiliar del Norte y com[andan]te general inspector del Departamento de Coahuila y Tejas, Abril 10 de 1840." Archivo de la Secretaría de Gobierno, Saltillo, Coahuila, Vol. XLI, Exp. Núm. 1360, Legájo Núm. 34 (1839-1842). Transcript in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Richardson, Rupert N. Texas: The Lone Star State. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1958. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Richmond Telescope, 1839-1840. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Riva Palacio, Vicente. Mexico á través de los siglos. 5 vols. [Mexico City: Publicaciónes Herrerias, 1939?] [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Rivera Cambas, Manuel. Los gobernantes de México. 2 vols. Mexico City: Imprenta de J. M. Aguilar Ortiz. 1872-1873. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Historia antigua y moderna de Jalapa y de las revoluciones del estado de Vera Cruz. 5 vols. Mexico City: Impr. de I. Cumplido, 1869-1871. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Rives, George L. The United States and Mexico, 1821-1848. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Roberts, Samuel A., Secretary of State. SEE Department of State (Texas). Correspondence . . . [with] Yucatán. Robinson, Duncan W. Judge Robert McAlpin Williamson: Texas' Three-Legged Willie. Austin, Texas: Texas State Historical Association, 1948. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Robinson, Fay[ette]. Mexico and Her Military Chieftains: from the Revolution of Hidalgo to the Present Time. Hartford, Connecticut: S. Andrus & Son, 1851. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Rose, Victor M. The Life and Services of Gen. Ben McCulloch. Philadelphia: Pictorial Bureau of the Press, 1888. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Some Historical Facts in Regard to the Settlement of Victoria, Texas: Its Progress and Present Status. Laredo, Texas: Daily Times Print, [1883]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Ross, Reuben. Papers, 1825-1861. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Rules and Regulations . . . for the Army and Navy [1838]. SEE Houston, Sam. Rusk, Thomas J. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] _______. [Proclamation to the People of Texas], Guadalupe-Victoria, June 27, 1836. [Brazoria: F. C. Gray, 1836]. Broadside. Copy in Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, Texas. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Saldivar, Gabriel. Historia compendiada de Tamaulipas. Mexico City: [Editorial Beatriz de Silva], 1945. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] San Antonio, City of. "Journal A, Records of the City of San Antonio." Typed ms. in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] San Antonio Daily Express, March 10, 1910. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] San Augustine Church. SEE Defunciones. Schmitz, Joseph William. Texan Statecraft, 1836-1845. San Antonio, Texas: The Naylor Company, 1941. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Schoen, Harold (comp.). Monuments Erected by the State of Texas to Commemorate the Centenary of Texas Independence. Austin, Texas: Commission of Control for Texas Centennial Celebration, 1938. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Scott, Florence Johnson. Historical Heritage of the Lower Río Grande: A Historical Record of Spanish Exploration, Subjugation and Colonization of the Lower Río Grande Valley and the Activities of José Escandón, Count of Sierra Gorda together with the Development of Towns and Ranches under Spanish, Mexican and Texas Sovereignties, 1747-1848. San Antonio, Texas: The Naylor Company, [1937]. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. "Spanish Land Grants in the Lower Río Grande Valley." Masters' thesis, University of Texas, 1935. [Ed: Secondary Source-Manuscript] Seguin, Juan N. Papers. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] _______. Personal Memoirs of Juan N. Seguin: from the Year 1834 to the Retreat of General Woll from the City of San Antonio in 1842. San Antonio, Texas: Ledger Book and Job Office, 1858. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] Seguin, Town Book of. SEE Town Book of Seguin. Seminario del Gobierno de Nuevo León (Monterey), August 1839-November 1840. Variant title: Seminario Politico del Gobierno de Nuevo León. [Ed: Primary Source-Newspaper] Shields, James T. "Jack Hays: Famous Texas Ranger," The American Home Journal, June 1906. Clipping in John Henry Brown Papers, University of Texas Archives. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Siegel, Stanley. A Political History of the Texas Republic, 1836-1845. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1956. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Silver, James W. Edmund Pendleton Gaines: Frontier General. [Baton Rouge]: Louisiana State University Press, 1949. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Smith, Ashbel. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] Smith, Justin H. The Annexation of Texas. Corrected ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1941. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. "Transcripts," Vols. V-VI. Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Smith, W. Roy. "The Quarrel between Governor Smith and the Council of the Provisional Government of the Republic," Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, V (1901-1902), 269-346. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Article] Smither, Harriet (ed.). "Diary of Adolphus Sterne," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXX (1926-1927), 139-155, 219-236, 305-324; XXXI (1927-1928), 63-83, 181-187, 285-291, 374-383; XXXII (1928-1929), 87-94, 165-179, 252-257, 344-351; XXXIII (1929-1930), 75-79, 160-168, 231-242, 315-325; XXXIV (1930-1931), 69-76, 159-166, 257-265, 340-347; XXXV (1931-1932), 77-82, 151-168, 238-242, 317-324; XXXVI (1932-1933), 67-72, 163-166, 215-229, 312-316; XXXVII (1933-1934), 45-61, 136-148, 215-222, 320-323; XXXVIII (1934-1935), 53-70, 149-152, 213-228. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Printed] _______. Journals of the Fourth Congress of the Republic of Texas. 3 vols. in 1. Austin, Texas: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., [1931?]. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] _______. Journals of the Sixth Congress of the Republic of Texas. 3 vols. Austin, Texas: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., 1940-1945. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Printed] Somervell, A. SEE Burnet, David G., President. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Vols. I-LXV (July 1897-April 1962). Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1897-1962. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] [Sowell, A. J.] Benjamin F. Highsmith: One of Hays' Rangers. [Extract from Sowell's Early Settlers and Indian Fighters]. Houston, Texas: The Union National Bank, 1937. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Early Settlers and Indian Fighters of Southwest Texas. Austin, Texas: Ben C. Jones & Co., Printers, 1900. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] _______. Incidents Connected with the Early History of Guadalupe County. Seguin, Texas: n.d. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] Starr, James H. Papers. Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Private-Manuscript] State Department (Texas). Department of State Correspondence, December 1835-February 1836. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] _______. Department of State Letterbook, November 1836-December 1841. Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] _______. Department of State Letterbook, no. 1 (November 1836-January 1842). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] _______. Department of State Letterbook, no. 2 (November 1836-March 1841). Texas State Archives. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Stephens, W. B. "Collection." Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] Streeter, Thomas W. Bibliography of Texas. 3 parts. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1955-1960. [Ed: Secondary Source-Printed-Book] "Summary investigation held concerning the apprehension of fourteen foreigners, Texians, who were in the neighborhood of the Nueces River, Plaza de Matamoros, 1841." Archivo General, Secretaría de Guerra y de Marina, 1841-1842; Legájo Núm. 1. Transcript in Archives Collection, University of Texas Library. [Ed: Primary Source-Public-Manuscript] |