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Sabinas, Cañón de171
Sabinas, Pass of:  Canales (A.) at, 250;  mention of, 425
Sabine Pass:  survey and marking of harbor entrance at, 101, 404
Sabine River:  mention of, 3, 12, 26, 38, 102, 401, 528;  headwaters of, 96;  proposed military colony on, 540
Sacrificios, harbor of:  Webb's (J.) arrival at, 429
saddles:  mention of, 125;  Mexican capture of Texan, 185;  trade in, 102, 471, 490
St. Clair, _____:  at Saltillo, 359
St. John, John:  at Mission Refugio, 483
St. John, William:  in Federalist army, 215;  at Mission Refugio, 483
St. Louis, Missouri136
St. Marks RiverSEE San Marcos River
St. Mary's College197
Salado, battle of:  Córdova (V.) killed at, 126
Salado River217, 218
Sal ColoradoSEE Colorado Arroyo
Sal de la Nación:  capture of Texans at, 448;  mention of, 449
Sal del Rey, El501
Salinas, José Antonio (trader)66
Salinas, Margil411
Salinas, Mexico:  Federalist crimes in, 161
Salmoneño (ranch)47
salt:  removal of duties on, 80

Saltillo, Mexico:  Mexican troops at, 32-33, 375;  as capital of Coahuila, 149;  battles at, 150, 151, 152, 167, 213, 340, 347, 357-358;  Lemus (P.) at, 167;  mention of, 233, 267, 343, 348-351, 357-359, 364, 366, 369, 374, 387, 468;  Arista (M.) at, 246, 274, 330, 408;  Vasquez (R.) at, 335

San Antonio:  acquisition of, by Texas, 277
"San Antonio":  on Mexican policy, 299
San Antonio (ranch)47

San Antonio, Texas:  mention of, 4, 7, 20, 23, 34, 50-51, 59, 66, 71-73, 75, 78, 85, 87, 101, 105, 108, 114, 116, 123, 129, 131-132, 137, 141, 146, 151, 155-156, 188-189, 191, 209, 213, 215, 262, 269, 281, 316, 318, 328, 336, 342, 348, 350, 365, 367, 383, 387, 409-411, 414-415, 425, 434, 470, 473, 501, 540;  attacks on, 13-14, 34, 71, 73, 76, 111-112, 211, 268, 271, 273, 382, 538;  Seguin (J. N.) in, 13-14, 386;  Mexican citizens of, 13, 21, 35, 82, 279, 336;  Texas troops at, 29, 43, 272, 303, 318, 329, 403, 491;  capture of Mexicans near, 32;  Mexican sympathizers at, 35;  lawlessness in, 61;  law enforcement in, 62, 419, 472;  Cox at, 65, 66;  and frontier trade, 70, 78, 79-80, 81, 82, 102, 155, 156, 275, 410, 414, 415, 416-417, 473, 523;  merchants at, 81, 154, 410, 414;  prices at, 81;  Howard (G. T.) at, 98;  incorporation of, 103;  Mexican spies at, 111;  Córdova's (V.) trail around, 129;  Caldwell (M.) at, 130;  district court at, 131;  defense of, 141;  specie at, 155, 475;  Federalists at, 188;  Federalists aided by, 188, 206;  Lazos (C.) at, 189;  Anaya (J. P.) at, 191;  mayor of, 206, 271;  Reuben Ross at, 209;  Karnes (H. W.) at, 211, 317, 322, 325;  Council House Fight at, 238, 271, 291-292;  mutiny among troops at, 303, 318;  munitions for, 383, 384, 398;  Cooke (W. G.) at, 423;  Lamar (M. B.), at, 423;  Van Ness (C.) at, 439-440, 443;  Morris (J. D.) at, 443;  Dimitt (P.) at, 450;  Texan commissioners to Mexico at, 455;  settlements around, 474;  French immigrants at, 501;  French consul at, 501-502;  and Santa Fé expedition, 518

San Antonio, Post215, 389

San Antonio River:  La Bahía del Espíritu Santo on, 8;  mention of, 8, 59, 168, 287, 409, 415, 482, 484, 488, 503;  cattle on, 21;  settlers along, 108;  Miracle (P. J.) at, 118;  as boundary of Texas, 168

San Antonio RoadSEE Camino Real, El;  roads
San Augustine County, Texas:  district court of, 122;  mention of, 477, 507, 513;  vote of, 512
San Bernard:  acquisition of, by Texas, 277;  sails for Sisal, 309;  mention of, 333;  Webb (J.) on, 429
San Bernard, Post43, 152
San Carlos, Mexico340
Sánchez, Antonio411
Sánchez, Vicente:  capture of Dimitt (P.) by, 446;  campaign of, in Texas, 446-450;  Texans captured by, 467
San Cristobal, Mexico:  Federalist capture of, 336
Sanders, Edward W.:  at Béxar County public meeting, 472
Sanders, Thomas549
San Diego (ranch)47
San Felipe, Texas:  consultation at, 47;  excitement at, 71
San Fernández487
San Fernando de Agua Verde, MexicoSEE San Fernando de Rosas, Mexico

San Fernando de Rosas, Mexico:  Centralist control of, 170, 424;  mention of, 188, 328, 331, 360;  Canales (A.) at, 258, 261;  presidio at, 258;  Federalist army at, 258, 261;  Pérez (A.) at, 336;  Arista (M.) at, 424

San Francisco de Cafias, Mexico:  Federalist crimes in, 161
San Gabriel River:  military posts on, 86, 244;  south fork of, 135, 138;  battle with Flores on, 135-137
San Geronimo Creek:  ranches on, 125
San Jacinto:  acquisition of, by Texas, 277;  mention of, 333

San Jacinto, battle of:  mention of, 9, 18, 22, 84, 113, 123-124, 139, 151, 180, 235, 330, 450, 512;  Texan camp at, 10;  Mexican guns from, 43;  Roman (R.) in, 214;  Karnes (H. W.) in, 317

San José, bar of333
San José, Mission:  Fisher (W. S.) at, 271
San Juan Bautista, Mexico8
San Juan de CarricitosSEE Carricitos, San Juan de (ranch)

San Juan de Úlloa, Mexico:  capture of, by French, 149;  Federalist leaders at, 150;  evacuation of, by French, 160, 163;  Urrea (J.) at, 161;  mention of, 333

San Juan River:  Federalist army at, 246;  Canales (A.) crosses, 334;  mention of, 250, 334-335
San Luis, Texas:  plans for defense of, 94;  Thompson (W.) at, 380

San Luis Potosí, Mexico:  mention of, 142, 174-175, 267, 347, 351, 390, 468;  Urrea (J.) plans attack on, 150;  independence for, 224;  commandant general of, 439

San Marcos River:  military post on, 86, 95, 244;  mention of, 105, 116;  disbanding of troops on, 403
San Miguel, Plain of:  defeat of Federalists at, 164
San Nicolás, Mexico:  Federalist crimes in, 161
San Nicolás Lakes:  location of, 50-51
San Patricio (ranch)47

San Patricio, Texas:  mention of, 7, 50, 53-54, 59, 65, 82, 102, 211, 215, 229, 290, 302, 305, 328, 405, 421, 474-475, 488, 538;  Benson (W. P.) captured at, 36;  Mexican marauders at, 49, 74;  protection for, 60, 210, 401, 428, 472, 540;  capture of Mexican near, 74;  frontier trade at, 154-291;  Texan marauders at, 291;  Canales (A.) at, 307;  attacks expected on, 312, 388, 537;  Rodríquez visits, 388;  Minute Men company at, 401, 475;  erection of a fort at, 428;  volunteers from, 428;  public meeting at, 462;  Corsco (Captain) taken to, 470;  proposed military post at, 472, 540;  Bell (P. H.) at, 488

San Patricio County, Texas:  and frontier trade, 80;  protection of, 88;  population of, 103;  chief justice for, 421, 447;  Minute Men company of, 462, 475, 554-556;  mention of, 462, 465, 503

San Patricio Minute Men:  on Ferguson (A.), 462;  commanded by Miles (A. T.), 475, 554-556;  formation of, 475;  disbanding of, 475;  muster rolls of, 554-556

San Patricio Rangers:  organization of, 424;  division of, 424-425;  activities of, 424-425
San Pedro, Arroyo:  Arista (M.) at, 334
San Salvador de Verde, Mexico225
Santa Ana de Tamaulipas, Mexico528

Santa Anna, Antonio López de:  mention of, 11, 65, 139, 145, 151, 159, 161, 182, 191, 280, 368, 424, 439, 537;  defeat of, in Texas, 15, 113;  as prisoner in Texas, 28;  Centralist government of, 142;  as provisional president, 159, 283, 473;  battles French at Vera Cruz, 159;  wounding of, 159;  at Puebla, 163-164;  orders execution of Mejía (J. A.), 164;  Santángelo (O. de A.) expelled by, 174;  and Texas independence, 180;  on invasion of Texas, 183;  and revolt at Mexico City, 311;  interview of, with Morfit (H. M.), 441-442;  Bases of Tacubaya announced by, 473

Santa Barbara, Mexicopronunciamiento at, 149;  Centralism restored at, 162
Santa Cruz, Mission San Lorenzo de la:  location of, 268-269
Santa Eduvige, Mexico341
Santa Fé, Nuevo Mexico:  George Fisher seeks Texas agency to, 196;  possibility of trade with, 500;  mention of, 4, 384
Santa Fé bill500

Santa Fé expedition:  plans for, 397, 423;  mention of, 418, 437, 453, 500, 508;  criticism of, 504;  failure of, 504-505, 518, 523;  purposes of, 505;  censure of president for, 507;  effects of, on Texas-Mexican relations, 519, 523;  prisoners from, 520-522, 542, 544

Santa Gertrudis (ranch)47
Santa Isabel, Pontón de:  customhouse at, 4
Santa Margarita (ranch)47
Santander, Nuevo3-4

Santángelo, O. de A.:  as editor of Correo de Atlántico, 173;  biographical sketch of, 173-174;  at New Orleans, 173-174;  and Texas independence, 173-174;  opposition of, to Centralism, 174;  expelled from Mexico, 174;  and Federalists, 174-176;  mention of, 178

Santa Petronilla (ranch)8

Santa Rita de Morelos, Mexicopronunciamiento at, 149;  Centralist control of, 170;  Zapata (A.) at, 258, 260;  battle of, 260-265, 265-266, 268, 271, 274, 288, 294, 330, 344

Santa Rosa (ranch)47
Santa Rosa, Coahuila213
Santa Rosa, Arroyo:  Texan raiders on, 186, 488
Santa Teresa, Mexico:  defeat of Federalists at, 148;  mention of, 151
Santiago, Mexico360
Santiago Prison, Mexico City467
Santos Coy, José María de los:  as Federalist leader, 151
San Ygnacio, Texas:  Cárdenas (J.) at, 361
San Ygnacio Ranch:  mention of, 5;  location of, 34
Sapp, A.462, 554
Sarah Ann:  at Tampico, 150
Sartuche, Matias:  execution of, 327
Sauces, Los:  Federalists at, 268
Saunders, John551
Saunders, R. G.552
Savannah, Georgia84

Savariego, Manuel:  raids by, 51, 54, 59, 82, 185;  capture of traders by, 51;  at Río Frio, 54;  mention of, 57, 118;  at Laredo, 59;  interception of troops of, 59;  at Alexander's ranch, 59;  and Miracle (P. J.), 117, 118;  on San Antonio River, 118, 185;  appeals for loyalty to the government, 144

Sawyer, F. A.:  as acting secretary of war, 46

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963