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[The Park Family]

Milton and Sarah Jane Park came from Richmond, Virginia, to Texas about 1854. There were born to this union ten children, four of whom are still living, one girl and three boys. Mr. Milton Park has two brothers, Sam and Henry. Sam lives at Dallas, Henry lives at Blair, Oklahoma.

Milton Park married Miss Maggie Rudolph in 1892. Miss Nannie Park married Frank Harris, Sally Park married Tobe Ford, Mollie married Tom Settle, now living in Gainesville, and Fannie Park married Dr. H. R. Smith of Detroit.

The stepfather of Mr. T. A. Eubanks, W. A. or Billy Park, was the Red River County soldier that manned the Twin Sisters, the two noted small cannon in the Texas Revolution at the Battle of San Jacinto. Mr. Park has a pair of shoes made by his father 70 years ago, also a hand-sewed dress made about the same time. These are old family relics.

Mr. Milton Park and his entire family have been identified with all the civic improvements in the county ever since they have lived here. They are prominently and favorably known throughout the entire county, and it is regrettable that we do not have a more complete genealogy of this fine family.

It has always been my opinion that in connection with the Park family a very prominent man who lived in this county by the name of Ambrose Eubanks, was a nephew. While related, he was not that closely related. Formerly I had understood that an uncle of Ambrose Eubanks was the

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937