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Clarksville, Texas, August 28, 1936.

It is fitting in this Centennial Year of the founding of Texas that some account of the origin and progress of this heretofore neglected portion of the State be given.

The author, Judge Pat B. Clark, years ago recognized the need and utility of such an account, and the work presented herewith is the culmination of more or less a lifelong endeavor.

Being a grandson of Captain James Clark, from whom Clarksville was named, it has been of more than passing interest for Judge Clark to make his research, and his ancestral connections with the actual history of the section enable him to speak with authority that cannot be challenged.

His sources have been in the main accounts preserved from his grandfather, and experiences related to him by such pioneers as his grandmother, Isabella Haddon Gordon, sometimes referred to as "The Angel of the Frontier", Uncle Henry Stout, Colonel Charles DeMorse, and others who played important roles in carving a civilization from the trackless wilderness of Northeast Texas.

Knowing with what esteem Judge Clark is regarded by his associates, and realizing his work is the outgrowth of years of intensive research and preparation, the Clarksville Chamber of Commerce therefore endorses this volume and accepts it as the long awaited official history of Red River County.

Signed: W. W. BULLINGTON, President,
The Clarksville Chamber of Commerce.

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937