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Federalists Seek Support in Texas

object of this project for the reconquest of Texas was "merely to divert the attention of the people, and get rid of General Bustamante, [by] investing him with the chief command of the invading army,"[23]  with the belief that the Texans would never permit him to return to Mexico, or if he survived the campaign that he would be compelled to flee the republic, covered with the odium and disgrace of repeated failure. It was even hinted that should Bustamante encounter defeat in Texas, Santa Anna had promised to come to his assistance at the head of 10,000 men. "It has long been surmised," declared the editor of the Telegraph and Texas Register,[24]  "that Mexico would, after subjugating the Federalists, turn her arms in the direction of Texas. . . . The campaign, it is said, will begin in September." Jones' appraisal of the situation, however, seems to have been more correct.

The New Orleans True American was of the same general opinion as Consul Jones, but emphasized that Santa Anna, "forbidden by his own promises to the Texans, which policy only induces him to keep, . . . will never invade in person the revolted territory. . . . Another contest between Mexico and the new Anglo-Saxon republic will prove fatal to the future peace of the Mexican provinces, and in our humble opinion," continued its editor, "all Santa Anna's dreams of despotic power are destined to be dissipated."[25]  The editor of a Texas paper, however, was not convinced that Santa Anna would not relish the opportunity to lead the invading army himself, in spite of his promise.[26]  However,

For ourselves, we do not apprehend any attempt on the part of the Mexicans to make war against us at present. Still we are inclined to deny the propriety of preparing for the worse so that we may not be taken by surprise. But we consider the idea of an invasion of Mexico by Texas, at this time, when we are without a dollar in the world, and with only a handful of men, as preposterous in the extreme. The scheme is so visionary that it seems strange that any one should entertain it for a moment,

for Texas would do well, in its present financial state, to defend itself

23. W. D. Jones to John Forsyth, Consulate of the U. S. A., Mexico, June 22, 1839, vol. 7, no. 274, Consular Letters (Mexico), 1833-1847, in Justin H. Smith, "Transcripts," IV, ms.; R. G. Dunlap to M. B. Lamar, New York, July 21, 1839, in Garrison, (ed.), Diplomatic Correspondence of Texas, 1907, I, 410-414.

24. July 19, 1839.

25. True American quoted in Telegraph and Texas Register, June 12, 1839.

26. Telegraph and Texas Register, June 12, 1839.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963