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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

dispose of the Texas soldiers, under their command, that they might be massacred."[89]  The agent is reported to have offered 100,000 pesos upon compliance with the proposals. Molano and López agreed to the scheme, and declared that compliance would be made at Saltillo. They then laid plans with the agent for stationing the contending forces at Saltillo. When Long reported the "plot" to Jordan and another Texan officer, the two officers refused to believe the intrigue and vowed that "the caluminator should be punished for attempting to incite insubordination." When the name of his informant was demanded, Long refused to reveal it.

Molano and López went forward with their plans to make peace with the Centralists and to betray the Texans. Prior to his arrival at Victoria, Arista received an emissary from Molano, by the name of Blas Cabazos, informing him of their desire to recognize the government of Mexico. Upon occupying Victoria, Arista wrote Molano on the 11th, saying that he had been informed by Blas Cabazos of his and López's desire to break the strange alliance which made the Federalist leaders "so odious in the eyes of their own countrymen." Arista declared that he would be happy to help wash away that stain. With a letter from each of the Mexican Federalist leaders or a single message from both of them, he declared an end could be put to this unhappy situation, and as evidence of his moderation he was willing to assure the Mexicans all sorts of guarantees. "Reflect that you are lost," he continued; "Canales has been dispersed by Gen. Reyes, who pursues the remnants [of his army] to the Río Bravo; my numerous forces cover all the passes, and no recourse remains to you but death, or performing the service of abandoning to their fate those adventurers, as Cabazos proposes to me in the name of all the Mexican commanders. I await with anxiety your reply, and I place my faith in you."[90]

Arista's communication was received by Juan N. Molano at Palmillas at 6 p.m., October 12, and after a hasty consultation with López and Manuel Molano, he "determined from that moment," he said, "to accede to it as the most effective and opportune means of saving the country [and] restoring it to peace." So immediately, October 12, Juan N. Molano replied from Pamillas [Ed: Palmillas], announcing that he was disposed

89. John C. Reid, Reid's Tramp: or a Journal of . . . Travel Through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, and California, pp. 73-74.

90. General [M.] Arista al S[r] D[on] Juan Nepomuceno Molano, Ciudad Victoria, Octubre 11 de 1840, in El Ancla, Dec. 7, 1840.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963