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Federalist Wars: Final Phase

López for a short distance, and then "broke over the mountains" and were soon out of sight.[122]

The Anglo-Texans, assisted by a few Carrizo warriors,[123]  were now left to their fate, betrayed by one party and abandoned by the other, with a large proportion of the already short supply of munitions having been carried away by the absconding groups. Hastily surveying the situation, Jordan "ordered his men, 'about face -- to the left wheel,' and with a quick step marched them [along the bed of an arroyo to] . . . an old hacienda [known as El Oja del Agua], beyond the range of the enemy's ordnance."[124]  Still undaunted, the Texans quickly prepared to defend themselves. But as the enemy were tardy in coming, Jordan became impatient from the inactivity. Finally, he decided to do what he could to bring on a fight, saying "dam them we can whip [them], as few as we are, and I will meet them half way."[125]  So saying, he left his horses and a small guard at the corral of the hacienda and moved forward about half a mile. On perceiving this movement, the enemy sought to cut the Texans off from their horses by secretly falling into a deep ravine which Jordan's men had just crossed and which lay between them and their horses. Captain Newcomb, who had been left with a few men to guard the crossing of the ravine, discovered the design of the Centralist command, and gave the alarm in sufficient time for the Texans to fly back along the ravine to their horses. In avoiding interception by the enemy cavalry in the ravine, the Texans passed within 150 yards of the Centralist infantry. In their retreat, they

122. "Further information from Capt. Newcombe," in Lamar Papers, VI, 125-126; Austin City Gazette, Dec. 2, 1840. Jordan reported that the Federalist cavalry remained firm, many firing at López as he passed. The Centralist cavalry, he said, immediately attacked the Federalist cavalry, but the latter, deprived of their leader in whom they had put implicit confidence, offered but a feeble resistance, and in a few minutes retired to the mountains. They were not pursued by the enemy, who knew that they could not unite with the Texans under Jordan. S. W. Jordan to Gen. Lic. Canales, Laredo, Nov. 2, 1840, in Telegraph and Texas Register, Dec. 16, 1840.

The governor of Coahuila informed the Minister of War that the Texans under Molano's command were defeated and that the Mexican troops under Molano joined General Vasquez's command. Nota del Gobernador de Coahuila Ignacio de Arizpe ál Ministro de la Guerra, Saltillo, 5 de Noviembre de 1840, in Archivo de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Operaciones Militares, 1840.

123. Telegraph and Texas Register, July 13, 1842.

124. Reid, Reid's Tramp, p. 78; Huson, "Refugio," vol. II, chap. 23, p. 18.

125. "Further Information from Capt. Newcombe," in Lamar Papers, VI, 125-126.

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963