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good cotton crops. But in 1926 all the ground gained was lost and much more, and the county had not recovered when the real depression commenced.

The rest of the country seemed to be enjoying prosperity for a few years prior to 1929 but Red River County did not.

Late in 1929 the real depression began and it has persisted to this date with little improvement.

Average price of cotton for this decade was 21.6c.


These are all depression years, with small improvement after numerous desperate expedients have been tried. Most of the apparent improvement is due to the fact that people are slowly getting used to the depression and its pains and making the best of them.

Unemployment is still the big problem. Quite a contrast with 1900, when there was a job for everyone at what was then a decent salary.

Average price of cotton was 8.75c.

From 1860, when cotton raising reached large proportions, we have made seventy-five cotton crops. During that time we have had only five failures and 38 good crops and 32 fair crops. From 1869 to 1900 failures were few and far

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937