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Surnames  Ela - Eyl

Soldier's Name                   Commander's Name      Group/Page

Elam, Danl.                      Secrests, W.H.           rev3
Eldredge, Arthur                 Wigginton, Henry R.A./   rev4
Eldridge, A. (1 Lt)              Sweeny (Sweeney), John   rev4
Eldridge, A. (1 Lt)              Sweeny, John             rev4
Eldridge, Arth                   Wigginton, H.R.A.        rev4
Eldridge, H.N.                   Shaw, Orson/             rev5
Eldridge, Horatio N.             Shaw, Orson              rev4
Eldridge, J.J.                   Smith, John              rev6
Eldridge, James J.               Hart, John/              rev2
Eldridge, James J.               Smith, John              rev6
Eldridge, Thomas                 Thomas, B.R.             rev6
Eldridge, Thomas                 Burnett, William D.      rev7
Eldridge, Thomas                 Thomas, B.R.             rev7
Eldridge, Thos.                  Lynch, J.P.              rev3
Eldridge, Thos.                  Burnett, Wm. D.          rev5
Eldridge, _____                  Turner, Amasa            rev2
Eldrige, Arthur                  Brown (Brow_), D.        mil2
Eldrige, Arthur                  Parker, Gustavus A.      rev7
Elendor, J.                      Logan, William M.        rev3
Elgin, George                    Robertson, E.S.C.        cam2
Elinger, Jas.                    Heard, William E.        rev2
Elinger, Joseph                  Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Eliot, Wm. Jno. (2 Lt)           Graham, Wm.              rev4
Elkins, James                    Williams, Richard        cam2
Elkins, Nutes (1 Sgt)            Williams, Richard        cam2
Ellender, Joseph                 Logan, Wm. M.            rev3
Ellender, Joseph                 Logan, William M.        rev3
Ellerson, M.                     Patton, William H.       rev3
Elley, A.                        Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Elley, Gustan                    Burroughs, George H.     rev7
Ellinger, Joseph                 Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Ellington, A.M.                  Bowen, William           cam2
Ellington, Thomas                Bowen, William           cam2
Elliot, J.W.F.                   Tarrant, E. H.           mil8
Elliott, J.D.                    Chenoweth, John          rev3
Elliott, J.D.                    Lamar, Mirabeau B./      rev2
Elliott, J.D. (Capt)             Elliott, J.D.            rev5
Elliott, J.F.                    Teal, Henry/             rev5
Elliott, Jacob                   Owen, Clark L.           cam2
Elliott, Jacob                   Price, John T.           mil6
Elliott, Jacob (Sgt)             Sample, David            rev7
Elliott, Jas. F.                 Snively, Jacob/          rev6
Elliott, Jas. F.                 Teal, Henry/             rev6
Elliott, Samuel F.               Snively, Jacob/          rev6
Elliott, W.J. (Capt)             Elliott, W.J. *          rev4
Elliott, _____                   Briscoe, Andrew          rev2
Elliott, _____ (Capt)            Wigginton, H.R.A.        rev4
Elliott, _____ (Capt)            Sweeny (Sweeney), John   rev4
Elliott, _____ (Lt)              Green, T.J.              rev7
Ellis, J.E.                      Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Ellis, J.E.                      Shackleford, Jack        rev1
Ellis, Jno. L.                   Frailey, G. Clinton      rev5
Ellis, Jno. Lewis                Stiles, George           rev4
Ellis, John                      Coe, P.H.                cam2
Ellis, Michael                   Bullock, U.J.            rev1
Ellis, Michael                   Bullock, U.J.            rev1
Ellis, Nathanl. D.               Hart, John               rev4
Ellis, Richard                   [Green, Thomas]/         cam1
Ellis, W.L.                      Mitchell, Isaac N.       cam2
Ellis, William                   Stevenson, Alexander     cam1
Ellis, Willis L.                 Galaspy,                 rev3
Ellis, Wm. L.                    (no captain)             rev5
Ellison, J.L.                    Kimbro, William          mil5
Ellison, Theophilas              Owen, Clark L.           rev5
Ellison, Thos.                   Kimbro, William          mil5
Ellsworth, Joshua S.             McClure, John            rev7
Elly, Gustin                     Burroughs, George H.     rev7
Elm, Frederick C.                Kimbell, George C. (Lt)  rev1
Elm, Frederick E.                Kimble, George C.        rev1
Elmore, J.H.                     Fannin, J.W., Jr. (Col)  rev1
Elms, Batiste                    Van Pradelles, A.G.      mil8
Elsbury, Thos. G.                Shaw, Orson              rev4
Elsworth, Joshua J.              Frailey, G. Clinton      rev5
Ely, J.                          Winn, James C.           rev1
Ely, J.                          Winn, James C.           rev1
Ely, John N.                     Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Ely, John N.                     Earl, H.C.D.             rev4
Emblem, J.                       Allen, John M.           cam1
Emens, G.B.                      Barron (Barren), T.H.    rev6
Emery, James                     Seale (Seal), Eli        rev7
Emery, James                     Seale (Seal), Eli        rev7
Emigue, Lucio (2 Sgt)            Flores, Manuel           rev6
Emmitt, A.S.                     Caldwell, Matthew        mil2
Emmons, C.B.                     Burton, [Isaac Watts]    rev7
Emmons, Calvin B.                Chance, J.B.             rev3
Emmons, Calvin B.                Barron, Thos. H.         rev6
Emory, Edwin B.                  Chance, J.B.             rev3
Engelhart, Lewis                 Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Englebert, Bader                 Seguin, John N.          rev6
English, A. (3 Sgt)              Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
English, A.H.                    English, George          rev7
English, George                  (no Captain)             rev2
English, George (Capt)           English, George          rev7
English, George (Capt)           Bennett, Joseph          mil1
English, James                   (no Captain)             rev2
English, Joshua                  Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
English, Joshua                  Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
English, Levi                    Bowen, William           cam2
English, R.B.                    English, George          rev7
English, Robert                  Winn, James C.           rev1
English, Robert                  Westover, Ira            rev1
English, Robert                  Winn, James C.           rev1
English, Robert                  Westover, Ira            rev1
English, Wm. T.                  English, George          rev7
Enloe, B. (Capt)                 Enloe, B.                mil3
Enloe, D.C.                      Enloe, B.                mil3
Enniques (Enriques), Lucio       Seguin, Irvin (Juan) N.  rev3
Enriques, Lucio                  Seguin, Irvin (Juan) N.  rev3
Ensminger, Daniel                Everett, Jack R.         cam1
Ensworth, A.G. (2 Cpl)           Irvine, R.B.(J.B.)       rev6
Ensworth, Augustus N. (Cpl)      Irvine, R.B.(J.B.)       rev6
Epperson, T. (Capt)              Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Epperson, Thaxton (Capt)         Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Erath, George                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Erath, George B.                 Billingsley, Jesse       rev2
Erath, George B.                 Billingsley, Jesse       rev2
Erath, George Bernard            Pierson, J.G.W.          cam2
Erhart, Antonio (4 Cpl)          Smith, Gardiner          cam2
Ernest, Benjamin N.              Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
Ernest, H.                       McNeel, John S.          cam2
Ernigue (Emigue), Lucio (2 Sgt)  Flores, Manuel           rev6
Ervin, John                      Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Ervin, John                      Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Ervin, Jordin A.                 Coe, P.H.                cam2
Ervin, Thomas                    Coe, P.H.                cam2
Ervis, J.C.                      Logan, Wm. M.            rev3
Erwin, Chas.                     Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Erwin, J.                        McNeel, John S.          cam2
Erwin, John                      Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Erwin, John                      Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
Erwin, John                      Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Erwin, Philip I./J.              Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Erwin, Phillip I.                McFarland, Thomas S.     mil6
Erwin, Wm. A. (Sgt)              Blazeley, Wm             rev2
Escalero, Manuel                 (no Captain)             rev2
Escott,                          Fannin, J.W., Jr. (Col)  rev1
Eskridge, Richard                Epperson, Thaxton        mil4
Espenoza, Ignacio                (no Captain)             rev2
Espinosa, Joseph M.              Flores, Manuel           rev6
Espy, Thomas                     Holshousen, C.           mil5
Este, Edward E.                  Ryon, William            cam2
Este, H.D.                       McNeel, John S.          cam2
Este, Nathan                     Ingram, John             rev3
Estell, Lewis                    Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Estep, David                     Mabbitt, Leonard H.      rev3
Estes, Anderson                  (no Captain)             rev2
Estill, Lewis                    Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Estill, W.R.                     Menefee, John S.         cam1
Estis, J.B.                      McNeel, John S.          cam2
Estrevon, N.                     Price, John T.           mil6
Esty, E.E.                       Ryon, William            cam2
Esty, E.E.                       Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Esty, Edward                     Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Esty, Nathan                     Allen, James C.          rev7
Etherton, Daniel                 Walker, William          rev5
Ethridge, G.                     Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Ethridge, Howard                 Stout, W. B.             mil8
Ethridge, Howard                 Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Eubank, J.T.                     Manning, Levi            cam2
Eubanks, E.N.                    (no Captain)             rev2
Eubanks, George                  Winn, James C.           rev1
Eubanks, George                  Winn, James C.           rev1
Eusses, Santiago                 Journey, N. T.           mil5
Eusses, Santiago (Cpl)           Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Evans, George (Mast Ord)         Neil, J.C. (Lt. Col.)    rev2
Evans, Jno. S. (1 Sgt)           Lynch, J.P.              rev3
Evans, John S.                   Mabbitt, Leonard H.      rev3
Evans, Joseph                    Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Evans, Robert (Lt Mast Ord)      Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Evans, Robert (Lt Mast Ords)     Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Evans, Robt. M.                  Hart, John/              rev2
Evans, S.B. (Capt)               Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Evans, T.D. (4 Cpl)              Allen, H. W.             cam1
Evans, U.S.                      Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Evans, W.                        Hoyt, Timy               mil5
Evans, W.                        Hoyt, Timy               mil5
Evans, W.T.                      Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Evans, William T.                Walden, Alfred P./       rev6
Evans, Wister                    Coe, P.H.                cam2
Evans, Wm. G.                    Elliott, W.J. *          rev4
Evans, Wm. G.                    Graham, Wm.              rev4
Evans, Wm. G.                    Smith, Gardiner          cam2
Evans, _____                     McFarland, Thomas S.     mil6
Evans, _____                     Cooke, Wm. G. (Q.M. Gen) arm3
Evans, _____ (Capt)              Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Evaths, George                   Barrett, G.W.            rev5
Evelt, J.                        Swisher, H.H. (Lt)       rev2
Everett, C.E.                    Everett, Jack R.         cam1
Everett, James                   Hill, Wm. W.             rev2
Everett, John R. (Capt)          Everett, Jack R.         cam1
Everett, Joseph M.               Ownsby, James P.         mil6
Eves (Eaves), _____ (Lt)         Green, T.J.              rev7
Eves, Saml. B. (1 Lt)            Marshall, Abraham        rev5
Evetts, J.H. (1 Lt)              Mitchell, Isaac N.       cam2
Evetts, Saml.                    Barrett, G.W.            rev5
Evetts, Samuel O.                (no Captain)             rev2
Evins, Moses (2 Lt)              Chance, J.B.             rev3
Evins, Moses (2 Lt)              Chance, J.B.             rev3
Evins, W.T.                      Price, James Pope        rev5
Evison, William                  [Green, Thomas]/         cam1
Ewards (Edwards), Tilford C.     Barron, Thos. H.         rev6
Ewen, Albert                     Menefee, John S.         cam1
Ewers, John J.                   Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Ewes, John                       Mitchell, Isaac N.       cam2
Ewing, Alexr. (Surg)             Houston, Sam             rev2
Ewing, Geo.                      Van Pradelles, A.G.      mil8
Ewing, J.L.                      Carey, W.R.              rev2
Ewing, J.L.                      Lewis, M.B.              rev2
Ewing, J.S.(L.)                  Carey, W.R.              rev2
Ewing, James                     Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Ewing, James                     Chesshire, James         rev2
Ewing, James L.                  (no Captain)             rev2
Ewing, James L.                  Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Ewing, John                      Smith, Gardiner          cam2
Ewing, Saml. H.                  Shaw, Orson              rev4
Ewing, Wilson E.                 McFarland, Thomas S.     mil6
Eyler, J. (3 Sgt)                Allen, John M.           cam1
Eyler, Jacob                     (no captain)             rev5
Eyler, Jacob                     Wood (Woods), Wm.        rev2

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Index to Military Rolls of the Republic of Texas 1835-1845
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