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Surnames  Leb - Lew

Soldier's Name                   Commander's Name      Group/Page

LeBrock, D.                      Hoyt, Timy               mil5
Lea, M.                          Love, Palas              rev4
Lea, Martin                      Allen, James C.          rev7
Leach, Leander                   Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Leach, Levander                  Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Leady, M.                        Ratcliff, W.D.           rev3
Leagan, William                  Dorsett, Tho             mil3
Leahon, John                     Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Leal, Manuel                     (no Captain)             rev2
Leaman, Jonas (1 Lt)             Allen, H. W.             cam1
Leamon, Jacob                    Allen, Thos. W.G.        rev5
Leanow (Leamon), Jacob           Allen, Thos. W.G.        rev5
Leaper, Samuel                   York (Yorke), John       rev2
Lear, John                       Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Leash, James                     Thomas, B.R.             rev6
Leaston, George M.               (no captain)             rev5
Leaverne, John                   Chenoweth, John          rev5
Leaverns, John                   Chenoweth, John          rev5
Lecompte, Julius                 Durocher, Chas. L./      rev6
Lecompte, Julius                 Durocher, Charles L./    rev6
Ledbetter, Snead                 King, Amon B.            rev1
Ledbetter, Snead                 King, Amon B.            rev1
Lee, A.A.                        Allen, James             rev4
Lee, A.A. (2 Lt)                 Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lee, A.A. (2 Lt)                 Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lee, A.A. (2 Lt)                 Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lee, A.A. (2 Lt)                 Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lee, Alfred A.                   McClure, John            rev7
Lee, Alfred A.                   McLure (McClure), John   rev5
Lee, Alfred Alonzo (2 Lt)        Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lee, Andrew                      Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
Lee, Green                       Winn, James C.           rev1
Lee, Green                       Winn, James C.           rev1
Lee, H.                          Kuykendall, Gibson       rev2
Lee, H.                          Kuykendall,              rev2
Lee, Hiram                       Kuykendall, Gibson       rev2
Lee, Isaac                       Collins, E.W.            rev3
Lee, J. (1 Sgt)                  Wilson, Zacheus          cam2
Lee, Jackson (1 Cpl)             Wood, Thomas Newton      cam1
Lee, James                       Pierson, J.G.W. *        rev7
Lee, James S.                    Elliott, J.D.            rev5
Lee, Joel                        Robertson, E.S.C.        cam2
Lee, John (3 Sgt)                Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Lee, Lot                         Owen, Clark L.           cam2
Lee, Lot                         Allen, H. W.             cam1
Lee, Nelson                      Coe, P.H.                cam2
Lee, P.H.                        Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
Lee, Partilla                    Rugeley, John            cam1
Lee, T.L.                        Chance, J.B.             rev3
Lee, T.S.                        Chance, J.B.             rev3
Lee, V.                          Waring, Jno. Edwd.       mil8
Lee, _____                       Allen, James             rev4
Leedon, Amos                     Earl, H.C.D.             rev4
Leeds, Charles H. (2 Lt)         Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Leeds, Charles H. (2 Lt)         Walden, Alfred P./       rev6
Leeds, Chas. H. (2 Lt)           Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Leehan, Jeremiah                 Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Leehan, Jerry                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Leek, George W.                  Fisher, William S.       rev2
Leekell, John                    Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Leekin, Jeremiah                 Coe, P.H.                cam2
Leeman (Leman), P.L.             McCaskey, R.D. (Lt.)/    rev6
Leeman, Philip L.                Howth, W.E.              rev5
Leeman, Philip L.                Lynch, Nicholas/         rev6
Leeman, Philip L.                Lynch, N.                rev6
Leeman, Philip L.                Lynch, N.                rev5
Leeper, Saml. (2 O.S.)           Arnold, Hayden           rev5
Leeper, Saml. (2 Sgt)            Arnold, Haydon           rev3
Leeper, Samuel                   (no Captain)             rev2
Lees, George                     Price, John T.           mil6
Leffingwell, Albert T.(Surg)     Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Leffingwell, Ira                 Andrews, Micah (1 Lt)    mil1
Leftwich,                        Dawson, Nicholas Mosby   cam2
Leftwick, Addison                Gillespie, James H.      cam1
Legg, Geo.                       Hughes, James Z.         rev4
Legg, Geo.                       Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Legg, Geo.                       Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Legg, George                     Seguin, John N.          rev6
Legg, George                     Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Legg, George                     Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Legg, Seneca                     Smith, John              rev6
Legg, Senece                     Smith, John              rev6
Legg, _____                      Neill, J.C. (Lt. Col.)/  rev2
Legrand, E.O.                    Kimbro, Wm.              rev3
Legrand, Saml. D. (2 Lt)         Stiles, George           rev4
Lehman, John                     Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Lehon, John                      Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Leigham, Jerry                   Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Leigham, Jerry                   Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Leimen, Wm.                      Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Leimen, Wm.                      Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Leimor (Lemor), Wm.              Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Leiper (Leeper), Saml. (2 Sgt)   Arnold, Haydon           rev3
Leiper (Lieper), Saml.           Arnold, Haydon           rev3
Leivers, _____                   Allen, James             rev4
Lellick (Sellick), Levi          Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Lemain, A.                       Waring, Jno. Edwd.       mil8
Leman, P.L.                      McCaskey, R.D. (Lt.)/    rev6
Lemmon, Wm.                      Hughes, James Z.         rev4
Lemoin, J.M.                     Hamilton, Wm.            rev3
Lemon, John (1 Lt)               Colerick, Charles        rev7
Lemond, A.G.                     Duval, B.H.              rev1
Lemor, Wm.                       Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Lenard, James W.                 Miles, A.T.              mil6
Lenard, James W.                 Miles, A.T.              mil6
Lenkenhoger, G.W.                Allen, James             rev4
Lennan (Leeman), Philip L.       Lynch, Nicholas/         rev6
Lennon, P.C.H.                   Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Lenskie, Frederick               Lynch, N.                rev5
Leonard, Francis                 Morris, Robert C.*/      rev2
Leonard, George                  Chesher, James           rev5
Leonard, George                  Howth, W.E.              rev5
Leonard, George (4 Cpl)          Lynch, N.                rev5
Leonard, George (Cpl)            Lynch, Nicholas/         rev6
Leonard, George (Cpl)            Lynch, N.                rev6
Leonard, George (Sgt)            McCaskey, R.D. (Lt.)/    rev6
Leonard, Washington              Gill, John P.            cam1
Lepassier, Abner                 Hill, Wm. W.             rev2
Lepassner (Lepassier), Abner     Hill, Wm. W.             rev2
Lepman, John                     Stiles, George           rev4
Lepper (Sepper), Samuel          Chesshire, James         rev2
Lesilinetzsky, W.                Allen, John M.           cam1
Lesley, G.W.                     Enloe, B.                mil3
Leslie, A.F.                     Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Leslie, D.                       Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Leslie, Deba                     Chenoweth, John          rev5
Leslie, Z.(D)                    Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Leslie, Ziba (Deba)              Chenoweth, John          rev5
Lesly, Ziba                      Marshall, Abraham        rev5
Lester, Elias                    Fisher, William S.       cam2
Lester, J.S.                     Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Lester, J.S.                     Heard, William E.        rev2
Lester, James S.                 Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Lester, James S.                 Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Lester, Stephen                  Burnett, William D.      rev7
Lester, Stephen                  Burnett, William D./     rev6
Lester, Stephen                  Burnett, Wm. D.          rev5
Letcher, John                    Smith, John              rev6
Lettick, G.W.                    Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Levenberg, C.                    Allen, James             rev4
Levenburg (Levenberg), C.        Allen, James             rev4
Levenry (Sweeney), Thomas        Patton, William H.       rev3
Leverett, O.F.                   Ticknor, Isaac           rev1
Leverett, O.F.                   Ticknor, Isaac           rev1
Levering, Henry                  Manning, Levi            cam2
Leverns, John                    Chenoweth, John          rev5
Levey, M. (2 Lt)                 Smith, John              rev6
Levie, George                    Potter, H. N.            cam1
Levin, W.                        Smith, S. (Lt.)          rev6
Levityre, _____ (Comm)           Pyron, David T.          rev7
Levy, Albert M. (Surg)           Morris, Robert C.*/      rev2
Levy, Alfred                     (no Captain)             rev2
Lewallen (Lewellan), John        Fisher, William S.       rev2
Lewars (Lewis), Foster           Hart, William C.         rev5
Lewellan, John                   Fisher, William S.       rev2
Lewellin, John                   Fisher, William S.       rev2
Lewellyn, Thomas                 (no Captain)             rev2
Lewellyn, Thos. (Capt)           Lewellyn, Thos.          rev1
Lewers, Foster                   Sample, David            rev7
Lewes, Gideon                    Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lewis,                           Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lewis, A.                        Patton, William H.       rev3
Lewis, A.J.                      Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Lewis, A.J.                      McNeel, John S.          cam2
Lewis, A.J.                      Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lewis, A.L.D.                    Swinney, Newton          mil8
Lewis, A.S. (2 Lt)               Bryant, B.               rev3
Lewis, Abraham                   Winn, James C.           rev1
Lewis, Abraham                   Winn, James C.           rev1
Lewis, Alexander John            Reese, Charles K.        cam2
Lewis, Charles S.                Hoxey, John J.B.         cam1
Lewis, Daniel                    Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Lewis, Edward                    Roman, R.                rev2
Lewis, Edward                    Roman, R.                rev2
Lewis, F.                        Allen, James             rev4
Lewis, Foster                    Hart, William C.         rev5
Lewis, G.                        Allen, H. W.             cam1
Lewis, G.                        Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lewis, G.W.                      Patton, William H.       rev3
Lewis, Geo. W.                   (no Captain)             rev2
Lewis, George W.                 Hardin, Franklin         rev3
Lewis, Gideon                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lewis, Gideon                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Lewis, Gideon K.                 Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Lewis, J.                        Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Lewis, J.                        Carey, W.R.              rev2
Lewis, Jacob                     (no Captain)             rev2
Lewis, James                     York (Yorke), John       rev2
Lewis, James                     Chesshire, James         rev7
Lewis, James                     Chesher, James           rev5
Lewis, John                      Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Lewis, John                      Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Lewis, John                      Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Lewis, John                      Heard, William E.        rev2
Lewis, John                      Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Lewis, John                      Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Lewis, John T. (2 Lt)            Lewis, M.B.              rev2
Lewis, M.B.                      (no Captain)             rev2
Lewis, M.B.                      Quitman, John A./        rev4
Lewis, M.B. (2 Lt)               Ross, Reuben             rev3
Lewis, M.B. (Capt)               Lewis, M.B.              rev2
Lewis, M.B. (Capt)               Lewis, M.B./             rev7
Lewis, Patrick                   Dawson, Nicholas Mosby   cam2
Lewis, Thomas H.                 Logan, Wm. M.            rev3
Lewis, W.                        Cleveland, H.N.          rev3
Lewis, W.J.                      (no captain)             rev5
Lewis, W.T.                      Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Lewis, W.T.                      Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Lewis, W.T.                      Holshousen, C.           mil5
Lewis, Washington                (no captain)             rev3
Lewis, William                   (no Captain)             rev2
Lewis, William                   Chesher, James           rev5
Lewis, William                   Chesshire, James         rev7
Lewis, William J. (2 Sgt)        Chesshire, James         rev7
Lewis, Wm.                       Ravill, B.F.             rev3
Lewis, Wm.                       Soverein, Jos            rev4
Lewis, Wm. G.                    Waring, Jno. Edwd.       mil8
Lewis, Wm. I.(J.)                Chesher, James           rev5
Lewis, Wm. J.                    Chesher, James           rev5
Lewis, Wm. T.                    Hardin, B.P.             mil4
Lewton, John                     Colerick, Charles        rev7

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Index to Military Rolls of the Republic of Texas 1835-1845
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