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Surnames  Rob - Roi

Soldier's Name                   Commander's Name      Group/Page

Robbins, E.                      Kuykendall,              rev2
Robbins, Early                   Kuykendall, Gibson       rev2
Robbins, John                    Tarrant, E. H.           mil8
Robbins, John                    Lamar, Mirabeau B./      rev2
Robbins, Joshua                  Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Robbins, Joshua (3 Sgt)          Barrett, William M.      cam2
Robbins, Mejamin (Mijamin)       McFarland, Dougald       rev6
Robbins, Mijamin (Cpl)           McFarland, Dugald        rev6
Robbins, Mijanien (Mijamin)      McFarland, Dougald       rev6
Robbins, Nathaniel               Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Robbins, Thomas (Capt)           Smith, Wm H./            rev3
Robbins, Thomas/                 Smith, Wm H./            rev3
Robbis, Alexr.                   Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Robbless, Alexander (1 Lt)       Walden, Alfred P./       rev6
Robert, Ths. S.                  Van Norman, Wm.          rev4
Robert, Ulysse                   Smith, L. (Maj.)         rev3
Roberts, Ab.                     Dorsett, Tho             mil3
Roberts, Abram                   Caldwell, Matthew        mil2
Roberts, Alexander               Caldwell, Matthew        mil2
Roberts, Alexr. S.               McFarland, Dougald       rev6
Roberts, Allen                   Barrett, William M.      cam2
Roberts, C.M.                    Robertson, E.S.C.        cam2
Roberts, Christopher             Pierson, J.G.W.          cam2
Roberts, Christopher             Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Roberts, Christopher             Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Roberts, Christopher M.          Pierson, J.G.W.          cam2
Roberts, D.                      Bryant, B.               rev3
Roberts, E.                      Brown (Brow_), D.        mil2
Roberts, Elisha                  Dorsett, Tho             mil3
Roberts, G. (George) M.          Burton, [Isaac Watts]    rev7
Roberts, G.M.                    Ratliff, Wm. D.          mil6
Roberts, G.M.                    Mabbitt, Leonard H.      rev3
Roberts, George                  Dorsett, Tho             mil3
Roberts, George M.               Ratcliff, W.D.           rev3
Roberts, George M.               Burton, [Isaac Watts]    rev7
Roberts, H.H.                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Roberts, H.H.                    Ryon, William            cam2
Roberts, H.H.                    Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Roberts, Henry H.                Smith, Gardiner          cam2
Roberts, Henry H.                Ryon, William            cam2
Roberts, Isaac                   Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Roberts, James B.                Caldwell, Matthew        mil2
Roberts, Jas.                    Harper, B.J.             rev3
Roberts, Jeremiah                Caldwell, Matthew        mil2
Roberts, John I./J.              Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Roberts, John J.                 Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Roberts, John S. (Maj)           Cooke, Wm. G. (Q.M. Gen) arm3
Roberts, L.S.                    (no Captain)             rev2
Roberts, M.F. (2 Lt)             Chesher, James           rev5
Roberts, Mark R.                 Sloan, Robert            mil7
Roberts, Mark R. (Capt)          Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Roberts, Mark R. (Capt)          Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Roberts, Michall                 Brown (Brow_), D.        mil2
Roberts, R.F.                    Love, Palas              rev4
Roberts, R.F.                    Allen, James C.          rev7
Roberts, Redding                 Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Roberts, Reden                   Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Roberts, S.R.                    Chance, J.B.             rev3
Roberts, S.R.                    Chance, J.B.             rev3
Roberts, Samuel R                Stout, W. B.             mil8
Roberts, Thomas F.               Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Roberts, Thos.                   Manning, Levi            cam2
Roberts, Thos. H.                Chenoweth, John          rev3
Roberts, William                 (no Captain)             rev2
Roberts, William F. (2 Lt)       Chesshire, James         rev7
Roberts, Wm.                     Ware, Wm.                rev3
Roberts, Wm.                     Bird, John               rev3
Roberts, Zion                    Bryant, B.               rev3
Robertson, E.P.                  Bowen, William           cam2
Robertson, E.S.C. (Capt)         Robertson, E.S.C.        cam2
Robertson, Elija S.C.            Boales, Calvin           rev5
Robertson, Elijah S.C.           Robertson, Sterling C./  rev5
Robertson, Ezekiel               Barron, Thos. H.         rev6
Robertson, Fines (Finis) G.      Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Robertson, Finis G.              Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Robertson, J. (4 Sgt)            Carey, W.R.              rev2
Robertson, J.C.                  Holmes, James L.         rev4
Robertson, J.C. (4 Cpl)          Robertson, Jerome B.     cam2
Robertson, Jacob                 Parker, Gustavus A.      rev7
Robertson, Jacob                 Parker, G.A.             rev7
Robertson, James C.              Reed (Read), Benjn. S.   rev5
Robertson, James M.              Mabbitt, L.H.            mil5
Robertson, James M. [2nd]        Mabbitt, L.H.            mil5
Robertson, Jas. (1 Sgt)          Read, Benjn. S.          rev5
Robertson, Jerome B.             Holmes, James L.         rev4
Robertson, Jerome B. (Capt)      Robertson, Jerome B.     cam2
Robertson, Jerome R. (Capt)      Robertson, Jerome R.     rev5
Robertson, Jesse                 Heard, William E.        rev2
Robertson, Joel                  Heard, William E.        rev2
Robertson, John G.               Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Robertson, Larken                Collins, E.W.            rev3
Robertson, Larkin                Hamilton, Wm.            rev3
Robertson, Neil K.               Boales, Calvin           rev5
Robertson, Neill                 Barron, Thos. H.         rev6
Robertson, Sterling C.           Boales, Calvin           rev5
Robertson, Sterling C. (Capt)    Robertson, Sterling C./  rev5
Robertson, Thos. J.(Ensn)        Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Robertson, Wm.                   Logan, Wm. M.            rev3
Robertson, Wm.                   Logan, William M.        rev3
Robertson, Zoraster              Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Robeson, Wm.                     Shaw, Orson              rev4
Robinett, Enoch                  Smith, Wm H./            rev3
Robinett, James                  Ownsby, James P.         mil6
Robinett, Jas.                   Smith, Wm H./            rev3
Robinett, John                   Smith, Wm H./            rev3
Robins (Robbins), E.             Kuykendall,              rev2
Robins, (Capt)                   Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Robins, E.                       Kuykendall, Gibson       rev2
Robins, Early                    Ravill, B.F.             rev3
Robinson,                        Horton, A.C.             rev1
Robinson, B.W.                   Ware, Wm.                rev3
Robinson, E.                     Robertson, E.S.C.        cam2
Robinson, E.                     Patton, William H.       rev3
Robinson, G.N.                   Horton, A.C.             rev1
Robinson, G.W.                   (no captain)             rev3
Robinson, G.W.                   Ware, Wm.                rev3
Robinson, Geo. W.                Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Robinson, George W.              Ware, William            rev3
Robinson, George W. (2 Lt)       Bennett, Joseph          mil1
Robinson, Hezekiah               Barron (Barren), T.H.    rev6
Robinson, J.B.                   Thomas, B.R.             rev7
Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt)            Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Robinson, J.W.                   Lamar, Mirabeau B./      rev2
Robinson, James M.               Fannin, J.W., Jr. (Col)  rev1
Robinson, James W.               Johnson, C.[Chauncey]    cam2
Robinson, Jesse                  Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Robinson, Jesse                  Walker, William          rev5
Robinson, Jesse                  Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Robinson, Jno. G.                Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Robinson, Jno. S.                Peebles, Lettlewood W.   rev7
Robinson, Joel                   Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Robinson, Joel                   Heard, Wm. J.E.          rev2
Robinson, John                   Smith, John              rev6
Robinson, John (4 Cpl)           Ownsby, James P.         mil6
Robinson, John B.                Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Robinson, John J.                Marshall, Abraham        rev5
Robinson, John L. (Jno. S.)      Peebles, Lettlewood W.   rev7
Robinson, Joseph C.              Dawson, Nicholas Mosby   cam2
Robinson, Milton                 Ross, Reuben             rev3
Robinson, Neel                   Barron (Barren), T.H.    rev6
Robinson, Richd.                 Lynch, N.                rev6
Robinson, S.S. (Cpl)             Howe, John               cam1
Robinson, T.J.                   Neill, J.C. (Lt. Col.)/  rev2
Robinson, Thomas                 Rugeley, John            cam1
Robinson, Thos. J. (Musn)        Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Robinson, Tod                    Gill, John P.            cam1
Robinson, Wm.                    Logan, William M.        rev3
Robinson, Zoraster               Pierson, J.G.W.          rev7
Robinson, _____                  Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Robinson, _____                  Travis, W. Barrett       rev1
Robison, Daniel                  Williams, Richard        cam2
Robison, J.N.                    Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Robison, W.M.                    Burleson, Edward (Col)   mil2
Robless, Alexander (1 Lt)        Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Robliz (Robbis), Alexr.          Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Rochet (Tochet), Amable          Waring, Jno. Edwd.       mil8
Rock, Charles                    Wilson, Zacheus          cam2
Rock, Thomas                     Colerick, Charles        rev7
Rockafellow,                     Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Rockafellow,                     Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Rockefellow, Peter               Cameron, Ewen            cam2
Rockefellow, Peter               Menefee, John S.         cam1
Rockfeller, Peter                Owen, Clark L.           cam2
Rockham (Racham), Chas.          Chenoweth, John          rev5
Rockham, Chas.                   Chenoweth, John          rev5
Rockham, Chas.                   Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Rockhold, D.B. (2 Lt)            Harbert, D.D. (1 Lt.)    rev4
Rockhold, D.B. (Capt)            Rockhold, D.B.           rev5
Rockhold, D.B. (Capt)            Rockhold, D.B.           rev5
Rockhold, Z.(D.)B. (2 Lt)        Harbert, D.D. (1 Lt.)    rev4
Rockley, Wilson                  Barrett, William M.      cam2
Rockwell, C.                     Bryant, B.               rev3
Rockwell, C.                     Burton, [Isaac Watts]    rev7
Rockwell, J.                     Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Rockwell, Jno.                   Hughes, James Z.         rev4
Rockwell, John                   Hubbell, Henry A.        rev4
Rockwell, John                   Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Rockwell, John                   Flores, Manuel           rev6
Rockwell, John                   Seguin, John N.          rev6
Rockwell, John                   Fowler, C.A.W./          rev4
Rockyfellow, P.                  Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Rodengues, Ambro (2 Cpl)         Seguin, Irvin (Juan) N.  rev3
Roderigues, A.                   Robinson, J.J. (2 Lt.)   rev4
Roderigues, Henry                Chenoweth, John          rev5
Roderigus, Henry                 Chenoweth, John          rev5
Rodes, _____                     Kuykendall,              rev2
Rodger, _____ (Comm)             Pyron, David T.          rev7
Rodgers (Rogers), H.             Wadsworth, W.A.O.        rev1
Rodgers,                         Hickey, Walter           cam1
Rodgers, H.                      Wadsworth, W.A.          rev1
Rodgers, J.                      Harbert, D.D. (1 Lt.)    rev4
Rodgers, J.                      Rockhold, D.B.           rev5
Rodgers, J.A. Jr. (O.S.)         Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Rodgers, J.B.                    Wadsworth, W.A.          rev1
Rodgers, John                    Rockhold, D.B.           rev5
Rodgers, John A.                 Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Rodgers, John A. Sr.             Sweitzer, Alonzo B.      rev4
Rodgers, Mark M.                 Eastland, William M.     cam2
Rodgers, Mark M.                 Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Rodgers, Wiley (4 Sgt)           Parker, G.A.             rev7
Rodham, Charles                  Hickey, Walter           cam1
Rodigues, Ambrosia (2 Lt)        Flores, Manuel           rev6
Rodingues, Henry                 Chenoweth, John          rev5
Rodrigues, Henry                 Marshall, Abraham        rev5
Rodriquez, Ambrosia (2 Lt)       Flores, Manuel           rev6
Rodriquez, Jose de la Jesus      (no Captain)             rev2
Rodriquez, Justo                 (no Captain)             rev2
Roeark, A.J. (2 Sgt)             Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Roeder, A.                       Parrott, T.L.F.(F.L.T.)  rev2
Roeder, Albert von               (no Captain)             rev2
Roeder, Louis                    Baker, Moseley (Mosely)  rev2
Roepff, J. (Cpl)                 Chamberlain, H.P.        rev6
Rogah, Jno.                      Owen, Clark L.           rev5
Rogers, E.C.                     Roberts, Mark R.         mil6
Rogers, E.G.                     Lilley, Joseph D.        mil5
Rogers, F.A.                     Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Rogers, Frederick                Harreld, Wm. E.          rev5
Rogers, H.                       Wadsworth, W.A.O.        rev1
Rogers, H.A.                     Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Rogers, Henry                    Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Rogers, Henry                    Walden, Alfred P.        rev6
Rogers, Henry                    Walden, Alfred P./       rev6
Rogers, J.B.                     Wadsworth, W.A.O.        rev1
Rogers, James                    Green, Reason            mil4
Rogers, James                    Hardin, Franklin         rev3
Rogers, John A.                  Owen, Clark L.           cam2
Rogers, John A., Jr. (1 Lt)      Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Rogers, John K. (2 Sgt)          Becknell, William        rev4
Rogers, John K. (2 Sgt.)         Becknell, Wm.            rev4
Rogers, Jonathan                 Gillespie, James H.      cam1
Rogers, Joseph                   Simpson, John P. (1 Lt)  mil7
Rogers, Joseph D.                Simpson, John P. (1 Lt)  mil7
Rogers, Joseph H.                Owen, Clark L.           cam2
Rogers, Joseph H.D. (Col)        Owen, Clark L.           rev5
Rogers, Joseph H.D. (Col)        Allen, James C.          rev7
Rogers, M.M.                     Fisher, William S. (Col) cam2
Rogers, M.M.                     Gillespie, James H.      cam1
Rogers, Marcus M.                Eastland, William M.     cam2
Rogers, Mark M. (2 Lt)           Sims, Bartlett           cam2
Rogers, N.C.                     Smith, S. (Lt.)          rev6
Rogers, Robert Jur.              Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Rogers, Robt.                    Wheelock, E.L.R.         rev6
Rogers, Robt.                    Wheelock, E.L.R.         rev6
Rogers, S.C.A.                   Ward, Lafayette          cam1
Rogers, Silas L.                 Sims, Bartlett           cam2
Rogers, Stephen                  Clapp, Elisha            rev7
Rogers, Stephen                  Wheelock, E.L.R.         rev6
Rogers, Wiley                    Parker, Gustavus A.      rev7
Rogers, _____ (Col)              Allen, Thos. W.G.        rev5
Rogers, _____ (Col)              Burroughs, George H.     rev7
Rogers, _____ (Col)              Colerick, Charles        rev7
Rogers, _____ (Col)              Peebles, Lettlewood W.   rev7
Roider, Lewis (Sgt)              Parrott, T.L.F.(F.L.T.)  rev2

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Index to Military Rolls of the Republic of Texas 1835-1845
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