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Nacogdoches, Texas:  U. S. troops at, 16, 25;  mention of, 23, 55, 64, 81, 176;  Houston (S.) at, 56;  Starr (J. H.) at, 85;  Córdova (V.) incident at, 114, 115, 119;  public meeting at, 520

Nacogdoches County Texas:  Anglo-Texans attacked in, 120;  Fort Lacy in, 141;  Minute Men company of, 401;  mention of, 478, 507, 518

Nacogdoches ford:  on Guadalupe River, 132
"Nancy":  slave of Hatch (S.), 308
Nantes, Edict of138
Napoleon I319
"Napoleon of the West"SEE Santa Anna, Antonio López de
Nashville, Tennessee:  Carson (S. P.) at, 14
Nashville, Texas:  Texan troops at, 318
Natchez, Mississippi520
Natchez:  arrival of, at New Orleans, 72
Natchitoches Journal69
National Palace, Mexico City311
nationalism, Mexican:  exploitation of, by Centralists, 224
Nava, Mexico170
Naval Affairs Committee, Texas:  studies recall of navy, 506
Naval Bureau:  creation of, 399-400
Naval Committee, Joint Select507

Navarro, José Antonio:  ranch of, on San Geronimo Creek, 125;  and Federalists, 206, 253, 279, 304;  on frontier protection, 268;  and Cárdenas (J.), 279;  and Carbajal (J. M. J.), 304;  Hays (J. C.) stops with, 411;  and Lamar (M. B.), 423

Navarro, José Luciano:  ranch of, on San Geronimo Creek, 125;  mention of, 188;  and Carbajal (J. M. J.), 189, 279, 304;  and Federalists, 189, 206, 279
Navarro, LucianoSEE Navarro, José Luciano
Navasota River:  military post on, 86, 245;  mention of, 118
Navidad River21, 24
navy, French:  in Mexican waters, 277
navy, Mexican:  build up of, 70, 526, 530-531
navy, secretary of:  abolition of office of, 399

navy, Texas:  weakness of, 68;  on Río Grande, 222, 333-334;  building of ships for, 277;  effects of, 278;  restrictions on, 278;  deserters from, 307;  purpose of, 493-494;  sending of, to Yucatán, 504;  recall of, 517-518

navy yard, Galveston68

Neal, Anson G.:  in battle of the Alamo River, 226;  on Canales (A.), 234;  on battle of Monterey, 248-249;  as member of Jordan's (S. W.) company, 308;  on Federalist forces, 308;  mention of, 336;  on battle of Saltillo, 357

Neal, Benjamin F.:  in battle of Monterey, 152;  at Agua Dulce, 188;  as chief justice of Refugio County, 300;  at Refugio, 483
Neches River:  proposed military post on, 86, 245
Negroes:  mention of, 60, 127-128, 296;  escape of, to Mexico, 232-233;  stealing of cattle by, 381;  at Refugio, 483
Negroes, free:  Texas policy toward, 238
Neighbors, Robert S.:  kills Sweitzer (A. B.), 235

Neill, Andrew:  on frontier protection, 62;  recruiting by, 71;  at Seguin, 125;  and Anaya (J. P.), 192;  and Federalists, 192, 202, 203, 251;  biographical sketch of, 204;  mention of, 206, 213;  return of, to Texas, 251;  at meeting in Victoria, 296;  on chief justice for San Patricio County, 421-422

Neill, James C.:  campaign of, for major general, 89
Neill, John A.:  on Plum Creek, 105
Neill, John C.:  as cowboy, 64;  as member of San Patricio Minute Men, 555-556
neutrality laws, United States91, 163
New Braunfels, Texas:  Córdova (V.) near, 129;  mention of, 132
Newcastle:  tows the Pontchartrain, 166
Newcomb, Simeon462
Newcomb, Thomas:  in Federalist military service, 328, 336, 347-348;  in battle of Saltillo, 355;  on Canales' (A.) conduct, 363;  on Dimitt's (P.) arrest, 451
Newcomb, William:  in frontier companies, 549, 551
Newcombe, _____SEE Newcomb, Thomas
New La BahíaSEE Goliad, Texas (La Bahía)

New Orleans:  mention of, 10-11, 22-23, 36, 48, 50, 55, 65, 72, 81, 90, 181, 205-206, 261, 377, 387, 416, 450;  Texan agents in, 13, 199;  volunteers from, 16, 28, 317;  Johnston (A. S.) visits, 29, 31;  arms for Texas at, 92, 93;  Mejía (J. A.) fits out expedition from, 145Pontchartrain from, 165;  Santángelo (O. de A.) at, 173-174;  Anaya (J. P.) at, 191;  battle of, 191;  Bryan (W.) at, 199;  Bee (B. E.) at, 283;  Hamilton (J.) at, 283;  Karnes (H. W.) at, 317;  Kelsey (J. P.) at, 375;  Woll (A.) seeks supplies at, 381;  Mexican consul at, 382;  Lamar (M. B.) visits, 384;  Plummer (S. A.) at, 395;  Goodman (W. B.) at, 417;  trade with, 417, 523;  Texas ships repaired at, 524

New Orleans Bulletin:  mention of, 518;  on Santa Fé prisoners, 520
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin:  on Indo-Mexican alliance, 14
New Orleans Picayune:  on Mexican invasion preparations, 11
New Spain218
New York:  mention of, 92, 305, 387, 530;  Austin (H.) at, 111
Nichols, G. H.550
Nichols, George W., Sr.129, 550
Nichols, James W.550
Nichols, John W.128, 550
Nichols, Sol G.550
Nichols, Thomas R.128, 129, 550
Nina, Manuel:  and Republic of the Río Grande, 252, 289;  at Victoria, 289
Noble, James262
Noland, J.553
Norias (ranch):  mention of, 47;  Federalist army at, 246
Norris, Isaac551
Norris, J.549
Norris, Nathaniel:  in Córdova (V.) rebellion, 115, 120;  to Houston (S.), 120
North Carolina:  volunteers from, 16;  mention of, 215, 503
north Mexican federation:  proposal for, 174;  proposal of alliance with Texas, 175-176
north Mexican republic:  talk of, 142
north Mexican states:  independence of, rumored, 189;  independence of, desired by Texas, 224
"Novedad"SEE Guajardo, Eusebio

Nueces River:  as boundary of Texas, 3-4;  mention of, 8-9, 11, 23-24, 47, 49-50, 54-55, 59, 80, 84, 86, 91, 100-102, 107, 185, 188, 211, 213, 215, 217, 254, 257, 268-269, 272, 275-276, 282, 292, 296, 305, 307-309, 311-312, 318, 323, 333, 360, 367, 372, 383, 399, 409, 414-415, 418, 424-426, 445-446, 452, 486-488, 491, 503, 537;  cattle on, 21, 46;  Parker (J. M.) killed on, 46;  Santa Margarita Crossing of, 49;  Mexican troops on, 54, 67, 441;  Texan troops on, 55, 82, 368, 375, 406, 410;  need for defenses along, 60, 86, 87, 105-107, 244, 301, 465, 474;  valley of, 60;  marauding near, 66, 291;  country beyond, 100, 102;  Federalist camp on, 188, 198, 203, 205, 268, 290, 312;  Canales (A.) on, 322, 325;  Jordan (S. W.) on, 328;  Price (J. T.) on, 405;  Hays (J. C.) on, 410;  Texans captured near, 466

Nuevo León, Mexico:  mention of, 142, 161, 171, 174-175, 186, 232, 246, 252-255, 288, 330, 373, 442;  growth of discontent in, 144;  Centralist troops in, 147;  Cós (M. P. de) in, 147;  Federalist cause in, 189;  independence for, 224

Nuevo Mexico:  trade with, 80;  mention of, 142, 174-175, 186, 254, 428, 434, 505, 542;  independence for, 224;  Texas expedition to, 425
Nuevo Santander, Mexico3-4

Oaxaca, Mexico:  mention of, 115;  revolt in, 143
O'Dorharty, William296
O'Driscoll's Tavern:  at Refugio, 206
Ogden, Duncan C.:  mention of, 90;  and Seguin (J. N.), 434;  to Río Grande, 434
Ogsbury, C. A.552
Ohio235, 439, 506, 519
Oja del Agua, El355
"Old Leather-Breeches"SEE Huston, Felix
"Old Longshanks"SEE Huston, Felix
"Old Pike"129-130
Olivera, Geronimo:  removal of, from office, 339
Olmitos, Los (ranch):  Canales (A.) at, 364, 365
Olmos Creek, Los4, 488
Olynthus:  brings supplies for Federalists, 206
Onion Creek:  mention of, 124, 133-134;  Flores (M.) discovered near, 132
OrazimbaSEE Orozimbo, Texas
Ordnance Department:  under supervision of Hockley (G. W.), 93;  difficulties of, 93
ordnance stores, Texan:  distribution of, 44;  failure to obtain from United States government, 44
ordnance stores, United States:  at Baton Rouge, 44;  at Natchez, 44
O'Reilly, J. T.:  at Victoria, 293;  and supplies to volunteers, 398;  on Dimitt's arrest, 451
Oreveña Ranch:  location of, 252;  Canales (A.) at, 252
Orozimbo, Texas441-442
Ortega, José María:  commands Centralists at Monterey, 169, 246
Osbourne, William S.550
Owen, Clark L.:  on frontier defense, 540;  and Texas California Territory bill, 540
Owen, James D.:  as mayor of Victoria, 294

Ownsby, James P.:  as cowboy, 64;  commands volunteer companies, 137-138, 190, 424, 426-427, 551-553;  mistakes identity of Rice's (J. C.) party, 137-138;  and Karnes (H. W.), 190;  report of Mexican attack on, 426;  escape of, from Villareal (E.), 466-467

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AFTER SAN JACINTO: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841
Joseph Milton Nance, 1963